does anyone have a link to go good pdf file or some thing about how to actually make sounds with a vst synth? I feel if i knew how they work i would be able to ‘evolve’ the sound more rather than just playing with the cutof and res.
does anyone have a link to go good pdf file or some thing about how to actually make sounds with a vst synth? I feel if i knew how they work i would be able to ‘evolve’ the sound more rather than just playing with the cutof and res.
I learned with this, it gives pretty good basics about substractive synthesis.…ctive+Synthesis
Once you know how a synth works it’s a brand new world of possibilities, have fun.
My advice to you is to try and fail, experiment, be curious.
“Hmm, what does this knob/slider do?”
Let the synth play a tune while you turn knobs.
And, go on google, search for the manual for the vst you’re using. Most Vst instruments has PDF files or similar with a very throughly described manual.