I’ve recently migrated from reason/ableton to renoise after my mac was stolen and I decided to go with a better laptop for cheaper, and put ubuntu on it. Needless to say I’m still very new to renoise, but I have a question:
Using JACK, I have program suite called Calf. It’s a very good suite of plugins, two of which I really like, the synths. Is there a way to use this in renoise as a full instrument? I know you can send it through #LineIn, which I’ve done and resampled, but it’s not the same. While it’s nifty to sample the sound and use that, I would like to use it as an instrument where I can tweak parameters on the actual synth while the track is playing. Is this possible? Furthermore, is it possible to record automations on these parameters?
Sorry if this isn’t totally clear, I don’t really know how else to explain it.
go to edit>preferences>plug/misc, and then find the folder where you keep calf, or all of your vsts and click rescan. After that go to the bottom left corner and click the instrument settings tab. Then click the box that says plugin. Last step is going to the instrument drop-down box (by default the inside of the box should say ‘none’) and select your plugin.
For VST effects:
bottom left corner in the Track DSP’s tab there should be a dialogue box with a list of all your effects. renoises native effects are at the top and the ones you scanned for should be at the bottom of the list