Various Improvments To Renoise 1.9

Hi, I’m Rayko. I have been using Renoise for some time, and I have some ideas that came along the usage of Renoise. I used Renoise 1.5.2, then I tried 1.8, and I saw some improvments on the interface, some new futures, like the line-in recording, the mixer (very usefull), etc. Something I didn’t saw is the priority switch. You know, some people don’t have a “great” pc to run this program, plus other stuff, like external VST. I found usefull this option in the version 1.5.2, and maybe can be reimplemented. Well, I don’t know why the take it out. Anyway, that is a small change I thougth while I was in the register form.

Antoher thing is the LFO. This divice is useful to me. I like to have a syncronized LFO with the BPM in one hand. But I would like to have a not-sync LFO, and with a longer range of frequencies in the other hand. This would be very useful for creating some effects on a song, convining any other DSP. Also, more waveforms will make the LFO more usefull, like inverted sawtooth, pulse with, triangular, and maybe some convination of the waveforms to make special wave forms. Talking about LFO, another thing resides in the Phaser and the Flanger. I don’t know how they were built inside, but it’s like the LFO, except that the LFO of the effect resets after changing frequency. Maybe there can be a way to introduce the LFO I said before (the non-sync one), into this effects (Flanger and Phaser, they suffer the same issue). Maybe it can be implemented in a way to have the Phaser/Flanger effects configurations in one side, and the LFO configuration on the other side, like joining the two pages, this way, the user can have more control over the effects, and he can choose more than one wave forms. Also, it can have a switch of syncronizaiton for the LFO.

While I’m talking about internal divices, I would like to talk a bit about the filter. I must admit that this multitype filter is very nice. It’s very complete. The only thing is the distortion on this divice. I never use it, for distortion I use the divice “Distortion”. Well, anyway it’s still great. I have been using the ring modulator, it’s not like the CS-80 but it’s very usefull. Now, you put into the filter divice, LP filters, HP filter, Distortion, RM, EQ filters… what about a forman filter? I don’t know how hard is to code something like this, and I’m sure it’s not easy, but it could be usefull, I always like it sounds, and I think many people will use it for make voices or related sounds.

Now, a problem I faced when I used Renoise with external VST is the usage of the meta divices. I must say that the engine of renoise works very good with the VST. I didn’t had tehcnical problems using this feutures. I know that you can link sliders on renoise to slider/knobs on a VSTi, the MIDItoCC divice and MIDIAutomate (or something like that), make this posible. I could control any VSTi knob/switch/slider/cable using this divices. I noted that the linked slider moves when you move the control on the VSTi. Thats great, but Renose doesn’t record that information on the pattern envelope. Why? I would love to move sliders on my VSTi and record all that, specially for XYcontrollers. I’m not sure about this, maybe I didn’t put my finger where I should. This is a question instead an inmprovment. Now I have another idea, now I mentioned XY controls. Imagine convine two controls in one? A MIDItoCC controller that has an XY asignable control. That would be great.
Apart of this particulary situation, the engine that manage all the VST information and process it it’s well done. I don’t have any problem with the rest of the functions.

Finally, I reach the divices in general. Renoise is doted with many DSP, and it’s great. Many of the most used effects are avialable on renoise. Maybe the crew can’t make the Phaser sound like Kleins Phaser or any other small stone (or they can?), but the quality of them is still very nice to me. The same for the rest of the effects. Maybe the delay can be doted with cross delay option. The “Mute Source” in 1.8 was one of the things I wanted, and it’s very usefull to me. Maybe the family of the divices can be expanded a bit. It would be easyer implenet a new divice for the Forman Filter I mentioned, instead of modifying the “Filter2” divice. An ensemble effects would be usefull sometimes (well, maybe I’m asking too much jaja).

I don’t want to be an exigent user. I’m not sure how hard is to code this stuff (I said that), but this are just ideas for the future. I’m thinking on buying this product seriously, but for Argentina the prices are a bit diferent than Europe. Also, I would like to have some of this feutures when I buy Renoise, but I’ll wait the necesary time.

Well, I hope the crew gets happy reading all of this. Here is an interested user that wants to share his own ideas about this great software, and I’m not joking. There are people that say that just to be well welcomed. I’m serious, the whole software is very powerfull and well done. The interface is very helpfull when you learn how to use it. It wasn’t so easy for me to learn all that stuff and I still have things to learn, but it worth. Also the sound is very nice. I don’t know much about this tehcnical issues, but I can say is very good. Also is really usefull for those who have an external MIDI controller. It’s very easy to join these things, and renoise records notes live exelently.

Well, I talked too much for one day. I hope the crew finds something usefull from this text. What I’ll do? I’ll continue using the demo version, and I’ll keep an eye to this forum.

I should mention this after write all this. I wasn’t sure if this information shoudld be posted here. Well, it’s a bit late for that rigth now. I’m sure the administrator of the forum can move this to anothe section if necesary.

Hiya Rayko. Welcome to the community. You’ve written a lot here! And it’s a too much to discuss for one thread. Perhaps break your ideas up into single items and then post them in the ‘Ideas and Suggestions’ forum? You might like to search through there to see if these have not already been requested.

Yes, you are rigth, I apologize, but if I took more time, maybe I forgot the half of the things.

Well, yes, I knew that. I already made that kind of things. But, it’s dificult to work with an XY VSTi controller, using two sliders on renoise. But I noted that the divices on Renoise automatically refresh when you move the control on the VSTi GUI. It would be really nice to be able to record all that information, from the VSTi GUI. I don’t know, some kind of open record that records any movment of the slider on the pattern envelope, doesn’t matter who moves that slider, thats the idea. One more switch, jaja.

Now, about the priority switch, well, I didn’t thougth about that, you have all the rigth. Anyway, the overload came from the VST/VSTi not from renoise, so doesn’t matter.


You’ll like the new LFO in 1.9, you can make custom waveforms.

Yes! That would make things a lot more user friendly.

How i’d love to use the XY pads in some way! :wub:

Ouch, I stopped reading after 5 words.
Pain in the eyes :(
I’ll read on another day