In the new demo song (amazing use of a single sine wave by the way, well worth checking out), several tracks have a velocity device linked to an LFO reset. It doesn’t seem to be used very often and I can’t see exactly what it’s doing.
Does it just reset the LFO if any volume change is entered? Is there any advantage to this method over just entering the pattern effect command to reset the LFO? Am I missing a really useful technique?
the velocity device just retriggers the lfo, so it begins at the start position again.
you can also use the pattern effect, i think (ive never used this) if the lfo theoretical starts at allways the same point, then this is much faster instead of typing a pattern command for each single note. im not sure, but i`ve reading that the pattern command can set the startpoint of the lfo,
so if you need different startpoints this might be the better option