
A nice theme for Windows XP to make it in decent black with some glass effects :

Let XP look like Mac OS:

I installed osx and zune. So I have neat icons (Mac OS-Style) and the black-glass effect :) (Zune)

ruupert & invaders kompo, round 1:
Who one is THE first one hacking into /ista with h0ly rENOISE!


just make a track with some proper speech samples -> victim give a listen AND it will trigger system meltdown via vista build-in speech recognition software…
muahhHAAHAAHHHAAAAa-aaaah!!! prycless.


Nice. didn’t try the other one tho.

for those fancy desktop clocks ,or weather, or calendar, just like vista, without messing up anything:

my desktop is soooo pretty now. :)

Vista users, follow these installation instructions


Nothing, not even music, is important enough to justify becoming the b*tch of a spineless, lying clown.

A microsoft response.…nd-answers.aspx

Also check out Toms Hardware for serious reviews.

I´m not sure I´ll ever upgrade to Vista. If I do I´ll also keep Windows XP.

i’m running the 32-bit vista ultimate as a tertiary OS since quite a while.
the 64-bit version gave me quite a few software related headaches and no real advantages as there are no 64bit applications available right now, that might interest me.

the only device i am still awaiting the drivers for is my EMU 1212m… what a surprise EMU is late with a vista release (yea rite!) but i still got that crappy realtek “hd” onboad sound so renoise does at least make some noise thru vista :P

besides that “little” discomfort, i’m pretty pleased with vista.
i like the transparency, flip-3d, the improved search and most strikingly the fact, that it uses my 2GB of ram more efficiently than XP, which results in the circumstance that VISTA feels way more responsive than XP.

when EMU released its drivers, i might make the ultimate switch to vista, but for now… it’s a tripple boot between xp, vista and ubuntu.

after reading some of the articles about the vista content protection a bit more thoroughly, i was up for a brief head-to-head comparison between vista & xp and here’s the result:

Windows Vista Ultimate RTM.
User Interface: Aero-Glass (/w transparency, animated wallpaper etc)

User Interface: Aero-Basic (disabled transparency, etc (xp-like))

Windows XP Professional
User Interface Luna:

as you can see, the renoise.exe task puts a load of 10% on the CPU whereas Vista, no matter what interface is used, puts 1.5x the amount of stress on the CPU.
referring to the task-manager, it also uses aprx. twice as much of memory.
all shots where taken at peak-time values. (note that renoise’s internal CPU monitor claims to sense less stress when comparing the two os…)

now i heard about vista using an improved memory management when compared to XP and also MacOS and i’m uncertain if the higher amount of memory resources might be related to that or not.

but on the first view, it seems that vista really is way more hardware hungry than XP is.

that said, one should although keep in mind, that vista is an OS being on the market for a few weeks only whereas XP is available since about 6 years and already took its time to become mature.
so either the anti-microsoft foundation is right on their point concering the content protection of vista or the performance decrease is related to immature drivers or the untweaked and bloated vista which mine is.
but whatever it might be - staying away from vista as the primary OS at the current point of time seems to be a very good idea.

I like your style Keith.

And at the least the vista follower:…3246422846b.JPG