Voting For New Renoise 2.8 Features Has Been Opened!

Unfortunately not, nah I just googled Renoise 2.8 in google and this thread came up and then decided to troll :D.

I need a “Force me to make 100 brilliant albums with 10 songs each”,

For the past several months I can’t seem to get inspired at all unless I smoke herb,
even then I start making stuff that I’m not really feeling, so it never gets past a few patterns.
kind of just tweak out on the 2 or 3 patterns and it just doesn’t go anywhere.

I’m starting to think I need to start bouncing my stems to some kind of horizontal full song view.

Only real serious feature I do need, is a kind of session logging feature, that I can replay.
I think I might put this in the ideas and suggestions forum.

U need a “Force me to stop smoking while tracking” feature.

Just wanted to say that renoise has gotten me laid with supper babes more than once. Chicks dig renoise.

+1 for a module to find all of the next lotery numbers ^^

in case of the “Automatic million dollar hit-generator” fail ;)

Are those the ones that brings you dinner and look hot? I’ve heard about them. :badteeth:

___ The wait is gnawing my soul… it gnaws… and gnaws. Aaaaa. :smashed:

Yo Kmaki, judging from your board signature, you can already make a huge leap through installing 2.7.2.

Installing WHAT!!? 2.SEVEN?!?!?!? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!?
But seriously: You got my sig wrong. It should be read ‘since 2.6’ or ‘from 2.6 onwards’ (noobish as it is…), as no-one could assume I’m using anything but the latest version… Flawless logic! Well. For some. Or… Okay I’ll update it. :D

dang, so -> is some l33t programmer slang that means ‘onwards’ ? Learned something new today :slight_smile: . Btw, you can make the gnawing wait easier by making music with 2.7, it’s working for me :walkman:

Can you explain what you mean with this?

same here. i even saw new beta in a dream few times :lol:

Oh sh… Now I’m going to wake up and notice the latest version is 2.6. Well. This has been a nice dream so far.