What VSTs can people recommend that have both PC and Mac versions so that collaborations can be done between the two systems with more than just native effects and no synths?
Thought of this due to Crystal being recommended to a Mac user and I’ve known this on the PC for quite some time. Good, powerful synth but can be processor hungry if you go too complicated with it.
Although not quite free they are very reasonably priced and (unless it’s changed recently) the demo version is fully working and they rely on your honesty if you like and want to use the product. From the couple I have briefly played with I’ve been impressed! Stillwell Audio plug-ins.
The Best, 100% Free Windows Music Plug-ins – Just Add Host (Updated) By Adrian Anders createdigitalmusic.com
The article may be Windows driven but you may find some cross-compatabile Vst’s there. Some links and synths may be as good as dead, but there are some on the list that I’ve seen many times before like The Crystal Synth which I’m currently checking out. I’m probably going to check out The Oxe Fm Synth as well…Soundhack is also doing some beta testing if your machines as compatible, that might of interest to you…check out Soundhack’s Facebook page. I don’t know if the release will be free or not.
Yeah, I trashed it, I read that it was a hungry synth but didn’t expect a simple sine patch to be that hungry, no offense to the developer. I also trashed The Oxe FM Synth…I’m probably just going to see if NI or other companies are going to do another black sale this year or check out KVR’s market place for a used a license, which is also another option.
I found it reasonably light as long as you’re not going mental with the envelope and modulator settings. So many things hidden away you might of still had active though? Or maybe a big difference between PC and Mac versions? Which platform are you on?
I was on a PPC Mac G4 for a long time, am now on PC Windows Vista Dual Core (It’s tempting to start downloading a bunch of shit, but I’m always looking to see if it runs on both platforms).
I usually run QuikQuak, SonicCharge, and Schwa plugins from the Stillwell site you linked, and if I’m moderate on how many plugins I use, it never usually goes beyond 12%. I use one Crystal Synth instance and its usually about 10% but the “unused” patch isn’t as bad as I stated before. I should have mentioned the platform switch earlier so as to indicated old habits of worrying how much processing I’m using. I might eventually download it again as that is another habit of mine, flirting with software like its potential girlfriend material or something
I’ve actually only use native Renoise in my tinkerings since getting the new laptop (well pretty much) and hardly done much of that. Still downloaded a plethora of freeware, like I used to do, then decided it’s better to concentrate on the strengths of the program I enjoy rather than getting lost in the abundance of things where you forgot what is what, especially if you’re not playing around for hours each day. Then start to find ones if you find a area you think it particularly weak.
Had noticed most seemed to be specifically for one platform, except a few like Sitllwell and some of the SmartElectronix stuff. Had forgotted Crystal was cross-platform and it kinda surprised me, prompting me to make this thread, as a little bit of cross-compatibility if you really have to use third party software is always good.