Hello Evrybody,
I am a an absolutely newbie with trackers and with renoise (though Ive played around with a lot of sequencers and other music-tools for composition). I
ve looked on evry topic in the manual, faq, evry tutorial video etc. but just cant figure out how I can make a vst-instrument STAY on one track. Maybe I
m just too stupid for a tracker…
What I want: the reason for trying out renoise is just one: the wonderful track-generators, especially the renoise phrase generator, what a wonderful tool ! Though I want to generate some tracks, maybe a complete song (at the moment I am not very used to go on further in renoise as I absolutely have too because it is too confusing for me). Then save the song, export/convert it too midi (have tried this, works wonderful) and make the rest of the working in a sequencer where I know what I have too do.
What I`ve done so far: renoise works, rpg works, the notes come too the track fine, I´ve found the vst-folder, choosed the instrument in the “instrument settings”, choosed it in the instrument-box in the right upper corner, it even plays for the first time but then…
Can make what I want it just dont stay ON the track. When I try too choose the next track, choose a new instrument in the settings/box evrything goes evrywhere, nothing stays on the track. I
ve tried evry device in the midi properties, tried to assign it to a track in the vst instrument settings, even tried it with the renoise instrument, with general nothing works…
Now I am just exporting evry single track part, but it don`t make no sense because I have to HEAR them together before exporting.
Hope somebody understand my problem (and my english), I am really perplexed
Thank in advance for any advice