I would like to set up a list of vstplugs wich external editor’s are problematic (or impossible) to manage in fullscreenmode. this way I could set up a list in renoise and prompt a warning that you should switch to windowedmode to use the external editor properly.
I know that
are problematic.
got problems wich any plugs that are not listed here ? then let me know please …
real problems come with “ohmboyz”, because the gui is bigger than the renoise window and the titlebar of the ohmboyz-GUI is off screen. aswell as the ok/cancel button, means you cant close the Ohmboyz window at all.
I’m having some problems with SampleTank Free - gives me the Unhandled GUI Exception once a while on loading an instrument. Doesn’t matter if I’m in windowed or fullscreen mode.
I’ve had the same problem with Sample tank. I think it usually crashes if you start clicking around and doing stuff when the intruments are loading. If I wait until it has finished loading it is pretty stable…