Vst Preset Freeze\grabber

I discovered the power of such thing while playing with peer controllers in buzz. It’s pretty awesome, to be able to wriggle presets on the fly.

It’s when you tweak a synth\FX this and that, and want to instantly remember the found sound, for later use.

So, imagine you have a button to make a ‘snapshot’ of current settings, which is stored under some number.

Later you can recall this snapshot by entering its number like, say, in effect column.

Can this be added to much celebrated ‘VST grabber’ feature?

For most instruments, the moment you a tweaking a parameter, you are also editing the currently selected sound/preset.
And most instruments support program change as well, which means that you can set up an instrument to have a number of different sounds, and use effect commands to toggle between them:

http://tutorials.renoise.com/Renoise/EffectCommands (look for program change)

Note however that some VSTi doesn’t support external program change events…you’ll have to experiment with this yourself :slight_smile:

Get Chainer -> load Chainer in Renosie -> load VST in Chainer.

Now it’s just like Buzz’s VST adapter. Would be nice if you didn’t need the additional step though.

well, yeah, this is basically one of the prime reasons such a thing as ‘VST preset store’ feature would be pretty useful indeed. some VST’s are a real payne in the S with saving\changing programs. i don’t mean advertising or whatever, but having tried buzz’ controllers is like, umm, being married while totally free of house chores ;) .

hmm, thanks for the link, interesting. i’m gonna give it some thought, but meanwhile a 45EUR purchase doesn’t look so easy on my xmas costume (a nerve wrenching distortion pedal is on the current shopping list :ph34r: ).