Vsti Parameter Changes?

This might be a suggestion for the developers, but I’m VERY new to renoise so I figured I’d ask here if I’m missing something.

Besides switching abruptly from one preset to another, is it possible to sequence changes in individual parameters one would otherwise use the VSTi’s GUI to edit? In Buzz this is generally possible, even if tricky sometimes, and would be a great feature to have in Renoise.

ive been thinking about doing this also, instead of using the program change i’m not a dev, but the answer is yes.
theres a few ways that you could go about doing this, if you use the automation area you will have a very hard time getting precise results.
what i would suggest is to have them change over time using the effects columns.
you only have 3-4 effects command columns to use on each line so if you span it over several then you can have a multitude of parameters being changed.

there might be another way, and i do wonder if interpolation would work in this respect. i havent tried the interpolation with this yet, tho i would think that it should or could work. of course the thing about doing that would be the column limitation.

the interpolation does work.
i also noticed that with properly coded vsti’s the values of the presets are sent to the vstiautomate sliders. which makes it a hell of alot easier to work with getting the values from the presets.
Nice Up the Devs for that!