Vsti Semitone / Tuning / Pitching

Hello Dear Renoisers,

I’m new here, yes. I’ve tried hard to find a topic about my question, searched for “tune, tuning, harmony, pitch, pitching, semitone in common with VSTi” but no results yet, so forgive me please:

I’ve loaded an old XM that I’ve made some very years ago.
Thought it would be nice to enhance it with a VSTi I’ve bought recently (Rob Papen Blue v1.02).
But I can’t get the VSTi’s sound into the right pitch for the old samples in the XM. It’s always between (the notes are “between”). I know, I could detune the VSTi to fit the sound, but before this, I want to ask you if there is a possibility I’ve missed to (de)tune a whole VSTi inside Renoise?

Thanks for your help and sorry for possibly duplicated asking.


I take it you would like this function so that when you are flicking through presets you will not have to tune each individually.

Unfortunately I can`t think of a way to do this (i.e. wrapping the VST in another prog)

In all honesty I think that you might be better off retuning the samples in the song to the VSTs tuning. However I guess that this could mess with sustain times in your song etc. May be worth a go though.

Soz couldn`t be of more help.

I take it you would like this function so that when you are flicking through
presets you will not have to tune each individually.
Exactly! Thanks.

Unfortunately I can`t think of a way to do this (i.e. wrapping the VST in
another prog)
Hmm, that’s the way I usually do. Thought there is a easier way. But anyhow.

In all honesty I think that you might be better off retuning the samples in
the song to the VSTs tuning. However I guess that this could mess with
sustain times in your song etc. May be worth a go though.
I’ll try it with re-recording, using the new env+dly times, maybe I’ll get them back in the right temperature. Thanks for your help!

Soz couldn`t be of more help.
No, no, I thank you very much! Need any help right now! Thanks!

Best Regards,