i thaught this might be a good place to post this because i know there are people here that use trackers.
since theres hardly any music software for android i will have to make it myself.
im aiming to make some kind of tracker, obviously it will never be anything like as good as renoise, but a simple tracker will do for a start.
i started building it yesterday so i havnt got very far. it would be good to get someone to test it before i get too deep.
if you do test ill need to know about any bugs of course but also i will listen to any suggestions or ideas you might have about it.
atm its got 4 tracks and 8 built in samples, you will be able to import your own eventually.
set tempo, no volume or pitch controll yet…
ask on this thread or a pm and ill give you a copy
btw you need at least android 3.0 and im building it on a pad (might be too small for a phone?)
up for testing it anyone?
the one shown here is now available free on android market.
still need testers for TegTracker Pro…
I don’t have an android device either, but it’s really good to see a tracker being developed. Maybe I will use it one day in the future? Keep up the good work!
(P.S… I heard there is a Milkytracker port for android but that it may be buggy)
milkytracker doesnt work for me, this is why im making my own.
its progressed a bit since that download above, its more like a tracker now because you assign a sample to a button rather than a track.
and you can change the tempo now. ill work on loading samples next.
if anyone does want to try it ask on here or a pm and ill give you the latest dev version.
this first one is on android market for Free
for anyone that would like to try this (and many other apps) but doesnt have Android 3.0 or above,
are you aware that android is free and open source?
this means that you can update your device’s operating system free of charge and totaly legaly.
if you want too look into doing this search for a ‘custom rom’ for your device and how to ‘root’ it.
good luck, its well worth doing.
i have a hannspad with GTabComb 3.3 rom (came with android 2.2).
just an update.
it will now work on android 2.2 up. im half way through rewriting the sound engine so you can import samples. also done a few experiments with synths and fx.
i would really appreciate it if anyone want to try it out.
yes there is an emulator, but its not the same as a device.
there is no protocol for android hardware so every device is different.
the only way to know for sure that it works on a device is to run it on the device itself.
I’ve bought and downloaded the pro version for ICS on Samsung Nexus. Doesn’t really work. The resolution screws up so it’s hard to see what you’re doing, and it’s just as well hard to define any settings. This still seems like an alpha stage app, which makes me curious why I bought the ‘Pro’ version…
a little update on this.
seems the original version (TegTracker Pro) didnt work very well on some devices, so ive spent the last few months painfully re-coding the entire thing from scratch.
its not finished yet by a long way, but the latest version has vastly improved performance and you can now at last load your own samples.