

This time i tried to make something a little less weird, and a little more ‘dancy’. There are a few spots that I am not quite happy with… but overall I think this tune is a fun one… so ENJOY :)

(and this one should play without you having to download it… apparently flash players only correctly play back mp3s with 41000 sample rate)


Yeah I had a problem with that yesterday on soundcloud.

I really like this, but I also really liked your other stuff. the laughter followed by the typewriter? noises are good.

“Weird”, or at least your brand of weird, is good in my opinion.

What in particular don’t you like about it? (You needn’t answer that if you don’t want to)

I don’t care for how I handled the build-up at 5:10… That should have been a smoother transition before the theme comes back again.

Thanks for listening… I am glad you enjoyed it