Waveterminal 192m

has anybody bought ESI’s WAVETERMINAL … and can tell me some experiences … latencies in Renoise / soundquality ???

Waveterminal 192M

Yup we have just got the light version (the not balanced one).
The latency is runing just fine at 3-6 ms.
But if you wanna really use the cpu at 100%,
you’d better use a 11-22 ms latency.

Sound quality is really not that great,
sorry to say it but you get what you pay for…


it’s supposed to have a 100 db dynamic range,
but it dosn’t even come close to that…
the noise level becomes quite enoying when
trying to amp it up, and it will sound harsch
att anything more than -10 db Volume out,
from the soundcard controlpanel.

We also running a wamirack for our main rig,
and with all the stuff on maximum volume.
the noise level isn’t audible and the sound
is smooth as a silk…

If you have the money get a wamirack or atleast a
m-audio delta card.

Hope this will help you?

that’s what i thought … coz of the cheap price …

i’m a little bit Terratec fan … i think the soundquality is quite good … i worked 4 years with the small ewx 24/96 (clear linear sound without any noise and a good dynamic range) … maybe the new phase-series is my choice … ok i will try to spend more money :D

big thanx for your report …

Strange… I have a 192M and cannot go below 42 ms. Have tried 2 different setups.

I’ve got 21ms latency under Renoise with the W192M.
All you say about noise is strange : I don’t have any problem and the sound is really great. And the sound levels are very good too, I can easily reach 0db.
Personally, I’m really happy with this soundcard.

You probably mean that you can reach total silence?

Just a little informal note:

  • In the real world, 0 dB is defined something like the lower treshold of what humans can hear. Which leads to a use like: 120dB is like a jet plane close by, 60dB is like normal speech in the same room.

  • In computer audio, 0 dB is defined as the “maximum level”, while negative dB is used to show relative attenuation (the opposite of gain) from this level. So total silence is defined as “-infinity dB”. The reason for this, is that the “real” dB that comes out of your speakers are determined by the volume setting on your amplifier.

So, in that context, your statement actually means the opposite of what you meant :P

Just a small tip. The new E-mu cards seems to be very good cards. They start from 199$.
Have a look at this thread for tests.

So, in that context, your statement actually means the opposite of what you meant

All apologies :). I indeed meant I could reach the maximum level without pushing the volume to full.
I also know a lot of people completely satisfied with the W192M.

demands could be different … i think the waveterminal isn’t bad …

I never said i wasn’t satisfied with the waveterminal,
but i just had to point out it’s performance relative to our other gear.

We did just play a live set last weekend with the 192, and it
was very crisp and a lot better sounding than our harddisc recorder.
So all i can say is…

You get what you pay for.