Way to control multiple faders while keeping their relative position

Hi Frogzone, one option might be to use a tool I made called Device sergeant.

In order to keep relative volumes you would need to add an extra gainer on each track that you want to control. Renaming them all to the same name i.e. post gain 1 and controlling them via the tool. This way any gain levels on your main faders are not touched and relative differences are maintained. You can have as many named groups as you like with the tool and it also has a Map To Hydra button if you want to automate things


I also wrote a tool called Mix Balancer which has two All faders buttons (bottom left of GUI) that adds/ minuses 1dB from all your post faders simultaneously (once the max/min boundaries are reached the relative values do get lost though). This is probably less what you`re after though.


Great! I actually tried the device sergeant (great tool by the way) but I hadn’t thought about adding a second fader…this effectively solves my problem. Thank you very much!!