What About Rex Support, And Portemento?

Does anyone else think this might be a good idea?

Does Renoise have portemento? I cannot seem to find it.

Already suggested tons of times. Do a search for “rex*” with the asterisk on the end to get around the 3-character limit of the search function.

Check out the manual page for the effect commands:

01xx to slide the pitch upwards.
Example: ```

C-401 … ----
----- … 0110
----- … 0110

[b]02xx[/b] to slide the pitch downwards.  
Example: ```  
C-401 .. ----  
----- .. 0210  
----- .. 0210  

05xx to slide the pitch to a specific note.
Example. Gradually slide from C-4 to D#4: ```

C-401 … ----
D#401 … 0510
----- … 0510
----- … 0510

This of course only works on samples, not VSTi.