What Do You Drink?

Ringenes Tuborg - 4.5% vol (danish beer)

mmm… okay, just blinxd here… tips and tricks. LOL!


Fruit juices or espresso based beverages

Beer, whatever’s on tap, switching to coke after a few joints

The most popular drink used in parties in Iran is “Aragh”. It is produced by distillation of white grape wine and some flavorings like mint, and contains around 40% alcohol.

The other drink that is also used frequently these days in parties is vodka-red bull. As the name says, it is the made by mixing chilled vodka or gin with the energetic drink red bull, by the ratio of 1:1. So it contains about 20% alcohol.

I drink the following:

Tonic Water,
Grapefruit Juice,
Homemade Iced Tea,
Gin Tonic,
White Wine.

Petrol n’ Milk.

spiced chia tea made with distilled water, sprite, v8 splash mezcal & or strawberry kiwi, v8 smoothie pina colada & or strawberry bannana and some 3 blend fruit juice i forget the name that i haven’t drank in a few weeks and sometimes lipton ice tea and whole or 2% milk. (need the growth hormes) only those listed and an ocassional sobe green tea or some other pina colada drink.

Water, tea, and beer mostly. Sometimes diet soda.

Beer (Hertog Jan <3), Bacardi Cola and Malibu + Chocolat Milk for me.

coke zero
refridgerated tap water

pimms o’clock

tastey beer.

why is this in tips and tricks?

During the hot summer days here I sometimes treat myself to a refreshing Tuborg Lemon.

Evenings are for vodka + vermouth (1:1). Sometimes mint liqueur + milk (1:1 again).

White Russian (Milk, Kaluha, Vodka), Beer (Köstritzer, Jever, Beck’s) and everyday for breakfast one can of red bull.

In office, coffee, water.

We sure drink a lot.

Doesn’t it result in a Martini?

Well, the real Martini is gin + vermouth, usually 3:1. But there are hundreds of new variations, some with vodka instead of gin, so… yeah, perhaps it does, in a way.

a lot and I mean A LOT of coffee…

Sometimes beer.

I saw a beer in schotland named “bishops finger” btw :D

If I meet with friends for talking, dinner and things like that, then I drink wine or beer (If I have to drive, coke zero). When we go out for tapas, definitely I know I will drink wine or beer, so I leave my car or scooter at home and use the subway.

When going out for party, I drink rum Brugal & coke or mojitos if they have, which is not usual.

I love drinking the strawberry milkshake from a mc donnalds (the big cup) while I am driving.
Unfortunately I really hate it to drive a car. XD what a dilemma.