What Is Your Favourite Effect In Renoise?

I have a favourite dish as much as a favourite effect.
Effect refers to a result, so obviously it is the result that
is preferred, but the cause is the effect, despite the many
ways of reaching the result (= effect). Cause and effect are
seldom as much intertwined as in soundmanipulation.

You can like pitchshifting and you can like offset.
Just because you can get the same results by cutting and pasting, doesn’t mean you cannot say you like this and this effect.
Effects ARE results. Results ARE effects.

It’s about time we send some warheads to the moon and
get it down from there. It’s not like it’s made of cheese or anything.

i know now for a fact! that the moon is made of cheese. and there lives a little man or more there
i saw it on youtube! there are cave holes on the cheese and there is buildings on the backside of
it! nasa has taken photos of it, and by a mistake blurred it out… :(

okay, it might be teremites or something… but gawd damn it. NASA doesent need
to send color cameras out in space to convince me. last night i was out looking at the universe
and low and behold, the moon is yellow like a cheese! and there are holes in it… CHEESE!

btw. i like cheese.

Stereo width :yeah:

Full moon is my favourite effect by far!


I would never hurt anything made of cheese. I like cheese.
I like full moon, too. But only if it’s done by a lady.

^_^ :smashed: :badteethslayer:

awww no one mentions my favourite 5xx teh love on the bass :)

but i found out that i rarely write tracker commands anymore, comparing to fasttracker almost never
i tend to use 1,2xx , 5xx , 9xx and B00 but that’s about it

another cool effect of renoise: time flies. ;D

I like all patterncommands, there should be many more…but a favorite is the the 00XY arpeggio effect on looped melodic / bass samples

lo-fi mat

as for patterncommands, tone portamento (05xx) is more useful than you would think!

could someone perhaps collaborate a list of all the ‘codes’ like 1xx and 2xx
(the portamento commands i think) etc. like ALL of the built in tracker effects…
i found a few by analysing other tunes made in trackers and taking me ages to work out what does what etc. and i still only know 3-4 effects :X

A good overview of renoise’s effect commands and built in DSP effects can be found in the online tutorial. Keep in mind that these are renoise specific (especially when analysing songs which were created in other trackers)! That means commands in other trackers may have different effects. There also might be no equivalent in renoise for certain commands in other trackers and vice versa.

Hmmm, tough one. Must be 05xx (glide) I guess, because I’m a sucker for portamento :blink: