for background: i use renoise for professional use about 8-10 hours a day, so some things i’ve found out 8)
first: renoise rulez!!! thx to the team and taktik!!!
strg+n accidentially pressed caused to unload the song without a warning message ^^
please (!) show always the real bpm !!! currently it seems only correct if LPB is at 04.
in the advanced edit section in “vol/pan/delay/effects” the modifiy select box always resets to “Mul”, in the last
year i surely clicked them thousends time to “sub”, please set the default to sub or store the last state to settings.
smpte sync for scoring videos, (a must have for a professional audiocomposing system ^^ ) i still can’t score movies
with renoise, its a shame after 5 (?) years of developing with demand to be a professional audiosystem.
there is still the problem that i cannot use recorded large sing voices, the smp-offset 9xx is to raw/unprecise (depending
on length of sample, but voice singins are usually very … long)
so its always a mess to cut the whole singing in pattern length pieces, it result in big time waste and lost of some sync.
the new vst instrument-window lists from top of its window, so if i try to choose a instrument i must move the mouse
over a big empty window to reach my vst instruments which are list at top. pls list them like in rns1.9 at bottom
the alt-key overriding of hold focus caused still needless clicks, i very often use the alt+mousebutton to change the complete
courve of eg volume and this caused everytime to loose the pattern focus this really disturbed me everyday in my workflow (and common+tab gives my hand very painfull feelings^^ )
pls activate mousewheel for fader/slider as like it was possible in rns 1.5
it would be very very nice to let the user decide which preset of native rns plugins is used first, for example the very good
delay effect, the send button is everytim to 0db and i think nobody in the world can really use this preset more than
one time in a life ^^
a worktime clock would be nice. it should be saved for each song (its not necessary to store this info in the xrns file,)
but it should take care of userinput and play. so for example if no input is given and renoise does not play the timer should be stopped.
it would be nice to have the info how many physical ram renoise use and how much is left for plugins. (for best sample streaming resoults in kontakt/kompakt/intakt i have switched virtual memory off and in big orchestral productions renoise and plugins use gigabytes of ram )
the masterspectrum is useless for me, i dont know which algorythm it is and a filled bar visualisation would be muuuuch better 8)
the same thing for masterscopes, i cant see how good or bad is the spread of the panorama spectrum.
if the groove settings is active and i use preset 7 or 9 the “groove” is visible in patternscrolling --> that looks very very
“unsmooth” , is it possible to have groove settings active and have a clean constant patternscroll (without take care of speedchanges through groove settings) . (the german word for this is “seekrank” )