looking for sites reporting news about Renoise 2.1 issue, I found this thread at Celemony site (Celemony is the company which many months ago has announced a revolutionary software which has yet to be released) where a guy shows a scan of an article regarding Celemony which also shows an article about Renoise 2.1 hoped features.
see the article here, it’s funny to see how the glass ball did not work this time
funny to see how, looking for confutation of the article, another user says that Renoise does not exist
Oh wow… I knew that DNA feature was too good to be true. That’s a damned shame… that would’ve revolutionized not only sound production, but the entire field of statistics and data analysis. I hope he keeps plugging away at it either way. Poo on him for using a mockup or a “we already have it working” demo.
As for the predicted Renoise features, ROFLCOPTER for getting it wrong on every count.
just to be fair, if you read the thread at Celemony site, you will see that they did not confirm that DNA won’t come at all, and they claim that the article is not true
The article itself is fake. There is no such thing as Real Music magazine, and the photo of the magazine is faked. The coffee stain on the mag tells more than any other analysis of the image.
There are couple of theories circling the net.
It was publicity stunt pulled by some renoise fan.
It was april fools joke.
Although the article itself is fake, the content is true.
I am personally thinking it is a combination of 1. and 2. someone from renoise scene created this april fools joke.
well I was very doubtful about it when DNA was introduced on Renoise forum more than one year ago, and still we have to see the software, but Celemony states they are really near to the release (they promise a beta version in May-June), so let’s see what happens. Personally I can wait because I would never use such a software
which, combining this with what I wrote above, and the fact that I opened this thread, turns me into the first suspect
the new melodyne thingy is real. I bet the government, secret service, are on his ass for delaying the technology! This so they can use it for army shit.
Considering the amazingly dramatic irony of that magazine article, and the fact that it was posted on the Celemony forums just days before the 2.1 beta, I have to wonder if it was faked either by one of the Renoise alpha testers, or someone who knows one of them. For the article to be so diametrically opposed to reality, it’s very likely that the writer knew what was coming with Renoise… especially considering the writer knew of the upcoming beta. After all, I had no idea the beta was coming, and I spend all my time in #renoise… but then, I’m sure the alpha testers don’t trust me to keep my mouth shut
well for intelligence purposes, easedropping on suspects/enemies, being able to seperate the noise from important audio information. If they could use the technology for that kind of stuff I bet they have contacted the melodyne creator.
so it was a clever marketting scheme to provoke a greater response to beta 2.1.0 an catch the eyes of people who may have went elsewhere when finding rewire was not a forseen/planned feature addition during previous times.
works for me!