Whats next for Renoise?

I really hope the team is busy with fixing the most archaic limitation that renoise currently has, and that pulls it back from the state of other daw software since years.

I mean I hope they decided to fix the audio/channel routing interface, and allowing for real audio rate sidechaining, multichannel and parallel processing doofers and send groups, better layering of instruments, such stuff. And also more clever CPU usage spreading and control, and monitoring along cores as side effect.

I think this most probably would mean really fucking around with the core engine of renoise, maybe in a way that means to redesign it in big parts. But it needs to be done!


My personal high priority :

Sidechaining, yes sample accurate (thru send device, targeting any right/bottom fx listening to input 3/4), parallel container device(to make dry/wet processing possible + real parallel processing!)dry/wet amount for any effect/doofer/container (in hidden adv. dialogue), highly improved doofer concept (multi band splitting possible, insert-send possible, making lot of sends obsolete), overhauled lfo (reset->mini slider, 2 point in column, last column is 1st column, real curve mode), overhauled recording automation (including high precision recording for automation, support to move sliders in vsts, real curve mode), edit beyond pattern boundaries (dragging, including adv. options), better solution for midi command recording (sucks to be recorded in pattern command), placing sends anywhere (just as an visual alias, keeping current routing rules), indication of on/off automation

Nice to have:

Note-off to graphical blocks (draggable, resizable via mouse, turns renoise into cool piano roll without headache and idiocy), slow smooth scrolling in track scopes (so it turns into waveform display, which is much more useful, scopes only make sense in basic synthesis), horizontal aliases (instance doubling/multiplying, with overwrite-able data in alias), LUA dsp fx device (which can receive multiple meta signals + sidechain, too, so nicely fitting into a doofer)

For getting a piano roll, simply use Bitwig, as it has quite a similar dsp concept, but provides you with your beloved pianolol.

Ok, I can not get all my dreams to be come reality, but I hope at least some points… :w00t:

If you do that basic/important ones, I would do a tool for multi-device-chaining (to make it possible to save/reuse cross-track constructions) to contribute some work.