Whats This Song


I knda like the first song he is playing. The one before the Avenged Sevenfold in the end. Anyone know it?


No idea but he’s pretty badass :)

I could see in the comments that he didn’t know it himself.

But if you like this?

King crimson, Steve vai, Frank Zappa, Uk, Camel, Yes, emerson lake and palmer, Dream theater, Porcupine tree, genesis, John zorn, Steve hackett, Samuel jackson five, loop itch,

those people all know what strange rythms are :P

Thanks from the tips.

due to the audible below-professional quality of the guitars and the fact the guy drums on a drumless audio track, i wouldn’t be surprised if it was simply made by a band the guy is a drummer of.

he said it was a “play along song” so my guess is that some of the guitars and bass are triggered by the bass drum. electronic drumsets sometimes come with this feature