While waiting for Redux...

Someone (fraktal) on IRC just suggested we need something like thisfor Redux.

So, here it is:


Great service!

Haha, great wood crafting skills required. First problem was, how the fuck to do it cheaply, and they tried according to graphics usually being files on the disk with a…nail file. Then lots of work had been done until they realised how hard it would be and how long it would take to make one for every customer, and transport the fucking logo to everyone. Well, overseas could work, wood usually won’t drown in water. It just bites their philosophy of giving access to 100% of the product via internet. All because of a damn typo somewhere, when someone praised “how it wood be great to be distributed purely digitally”. Now they seek another plan. Nail Fail. Bleh. I’m now waiting news for Renoise 3.1 instead.

Lmao!! Stop posting lame stuff:) Every time i check the forum im fooled into > wow!!! today is the day, Man im so exicted bout Redux:D

Gotta say, it is pretty hilarious that the kings of “We don’t announce things/ We don’t talk about things until they are ready” announced this over a year ago hahahaha

That is a massive fail of all proportions in terms of sticking to your own agenda haha

At this rate we may even see a useful update to Maschine before Redux hah

I also pushed Renoise developers but
i experienced the same thing with Tracktion and Tracktion 6 is out now, it is buggy and it dont bring anything i´ve wanted
Even if its team is getting bigger, they are connected to Waldorf and other companies, their software feels like beta software to me.
They have big words, big promises but in the end, they create gui for the oldest freeware vsti (dx10 from mda) out there and wanna pay for it.
Ive got nothing against Tracktion team, they are battling with a cancer right now, so i understand that developing can be hard. I just wanted to compare two daws i like and two ways how to promote new versions.

On the other hand, Renoise team dont say “wait for new amazing, groundbreaking features”, dont delay Redux release every other week and do great job because Renoise is very stable and feels much more complete that Tracktion to me.
I am very happy that they listen userbase and work. I think that if they dont, redux would be out for a year :-).
And Renoise works it doesnt need new versions often, it is different situation with tracktion where a lot of professional plugins dont work (still…)…

With this experience, i think that it is best to be quiet and work, otherwise you can be dashed very easily like me.

Well then, perhaps registered users via backstage could try a testversion and report bugs in the meantime they are working on the logo? That would save time for everyone. Just a thought.

Gotta say, it is pretty hilarious that the kings of “We don’t announce things/ We don’t talk about things until they are ready” announced this over a year ago hahahaha
That is a massive fail of all proportions in terms of sticking to your own agenda haha

I guess that was the point. They never wanted to announce stuff. We pushed them over and over to be more open and now they will be like “see, this doesn’t work” :slight_smile:

Eah, Ya man, I mean the renoise team should at least tell us “sorry, we’re still working to get shit xyz stable atm, please have patience, time will come, bla bla bla” in mind they’ve announced us things would come around a date that has already passed. C’mon, just a little living signs, along with info of what could come once those DSP isn’t prone to blasting $$$ speakers anymore. Like it was said redux is connected to next renoise version - we’re all burning cats already, and those do pretty meow pretty loud. In the loundry. Other Projects even share every xyz bug in development they’ve got with the userbase, just for everyone to stay excited. Also with the exciting prospects given by enlightened persons associated with the “team” on this forum, like there are really lots of points of imperfection in current products. And people on this forum won’t hesitate to spread their ideas here on how to do it better - groom all the grooves, and tell us what you’re doing atm, please! Then there’ll be no more cats other than those usual ones that purr on your lap in mellow evenings…

“Announce” sounds so arrogant, why not just share current ideas that are worked on.

Maybe the logo was just a joke and there is some technical problem?

Maybe the logo was just a joke and there is some technical problem?

No, I’m pretty sure it’s the logo.

Redux was delayed a year because of an Illustrator bug. We should all be harassing Adobe instead.

*Renderfarms currently working overtime getting the new logo out;


Nowadays they just carve the logo out of rocks and scan those rocks in a giant 3D-scanner, should be done in a few months no problem.

Gotta say, it is pretty hilarious that the kings of “We don’t announce things/ We don’t talk about things until they are ready” announced this over a year ago hahahaha

That is a massive fail of all proportions in terms of sticking to your own agenda haha

At this rate we may even see a useful update to Maschine before Redux hah

Is it really? They also say they try to implement user ideas. It is hard to hold two horses in one hand, as they say in texas. Actually, they don’t say that. But, plainly, a lot of user ideas in new renoise and redux. But, it reminds me of asking the genie for something stories. There ya go! Enjoy!

Surely renoisers vex the devs as much as vice versa.

I think the devs should just develop their _own_future vision and tell the users what it is instead of pleasing the crowd. Then each step towards that vision is one revision number.

user input, yes. design by committee, fuck no!



Half the album was done in Renoise 3.1

@Meef Chaloin:Haha, nice try :stuck_out_tongue:

@Akiz: Even with technical problems, why not tease something? 1 year development and nothing to show?


The ‘likes’ display has changed - Redux confirmed.