who else needs MED (MMD3) import??!

I need it, realy … I jumped from MED to RENOISE! :yeah:

I think MED is not so unknown and there are so much users and modules … in fact it’s a tracker that reached years ago the jump from AMIGA to PC … like the old fast/protrackers …

and … MED is commercial software … so why it should be unimportant?! (MED version 2 is comming and nobody knows - it could be a real rival!?)

I think import features are great and a useful thing in every software and a great reason for coming users to use the software!!!

cheers, Alex

MED-import would be very nice. I’ve also used MED for years and years and have lot of songs in that format (mainly MIDI-songs)…

as MED creator would have written:

this is not a MED forum!
if you want to talk about MED, do it on their forum!!

:lol: :P :P :P

(hey, don’t take me seriously!)

hehe, I only think people that use to read the MED forum will understand the true irony in this post… hehehe

but …

who else needs MMD-import???


please please please