I can’t really sing too well, but I’m trying to get better at it. But basically all I can sing is slow ballads and even then I just improvise. For exmple: Agent-man
I used to sing a lot. Like in 4 different choirs simultaneously but now I haven’t had any practice for years and my voice is getting rusty. But I have to agree that Hunz is very good
Being that the band I was in, The Mercury Rising, begged me to come on, then we got interviewed by MTV, then they fired me on Thursday because I was pushing them to do music that was beyond their capabilities, I have more time now. Also, I gave up using MED Soundstudio so I’m back on the Renoise thing .
There’s someone from this forum that I was going to try to work with on vocals and then my life took a really bad turn, but now, besides this flu I’m getting over, things are going well and I can definitely work on a project