Why am i getting shitloads of "System" notifications on the forum?

Every day the past few days i have gotten 40-50 system notifications about nothing but old posts that i can’t even remember and that has no relevance to anything and there’s no new replies or nothing. What’s going on?

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Maybe there was a forum update. I got the same. Strange.

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Same! Like something got reset.

No problems here. Maybe you set the notification system (below the reply button at the bottom of the chat pages) to “watch”. Then you’ll always get notifications when someone posts a reply on the chat you’re “watching”. Set it back to “normal” or “tracking” if so.

Yep, same here.

In the past whenever I linked a screenshot in the forum, after a while I got a notification that the image would be saved to the renoise server. I guess making sure that if the original screenshot would ever be deleted, this wouldn’t result in a missing picture.

It looks like It now automatically backtracks to wherever one used an outside picture or gif and stores these. Or, Chinese hackers :wink:

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Obviously, because the design is different as well.

Jup. Recently I’ve got a lot of those notifications related to threads from 13 years ago. Threads like “Help! How To Handle VSTs?”. I think that was one of my first questions in this forum when I started using Renoise. :sweat_smile:

Is the design different? To me it looks exactly the same as far as i have noticed…

No old notifications here. And visually every looks the same to me.

Or maybe the British kitchen-league is back? :smiley:

Yes, slightly. The login window looks different, the distances between the rows of listed frequent posters at the top of any thread were decreased (right now the number of comments from posters listed in the upper row are hidden behind the avatar from listed posters in the lower row) and I think there are some more minimal changes regarding distances of elements. Just check this and you can see it yourself. It was definitely different a couple of days ago.

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Me too lots of notifications, Fun reading the old stuff tho

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