Why i can't set custom shortcut for Insert function in Phrase Map?


I assign my custom shortcut here: Menu - Keys - Phrase Map - Edit - Insert. But nothing happens. So how i canset custom shortcut for Insert function in Phrase Map?


Sorry but I think the shorcut only applies when that area has keyboard focus, and I think the only way to give it keyboard focus is to use the mouse by alt-click/middle-click or whatever that is on Mac, in which case you may as well click the little plus sign.

Naturally it is possible to insert/delete phrases whilst the phrase editor is the focus by adding custom tool key bindings to the phrase editor mappings.

But…it is a tool…so I’ll just get my coat :slight_smile:

Naturally it is possible to insert/delete phrases whilst the phrase editor is the focus by adding custom tool key bindings to the phrase editor mappings…


But…it is a tool…so I’ll just get my coat :slight_smile:

It’s a custom tool or i can get it from Tool section on site?

A custom tool that I’ve written for you personally :slight_smile: You could extend the CreatePhraseShortcut ‘tool’ from -> https://forum.renoise.com/t/please-create-ability-for-shortcut-command-for-create-phrase/46024 to now read something like:

-- Create phrase and insert/delete phrase shortcuts 4Tey

-- Add the keybinding
renoise.tool():add_keybinding {
  name = "Pattern Editor:Pattern Operations:Create Phrase",
  invoke = function()
    renoise.app().window.active_middle_frame = renoise.ApplicationWindow.MIDDLE_FRAME_INSTRUMENT_PHRASE_EDITOR

renoise.tool():add_keybinding {
  name = "Phrase Editor:Insert/Delete:Insert Phrase",
  invoke = function()

renoise.tool():add_keybinding {
  name = "Phrase Editor:Insert/Delete:Delete Selected Phrase",
  invoke = function()
    if renoise.song().selected_phrase_index > 0 then

Also keep in mind that at some point you’ll have to click/use the mouse…Now I’ll get my coat :slight_smile:

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Mate :badteethslayer: :rolleyes: