…why not have all the vst instrument parameters (instead of 14 at a time) show up automatically in the “Track DSPs” section when you instance a vst instrument?
I know some vsti’s have 10000000s of parameters, off coarse make em foldable, small to begin with…but tracking this morning it was bugging me that I have to add this vst-automation device whenever I want to automate stuff, while these parameters could just show up and dissapear by adding and deleting a vsti.
Adding a VstAutomate device by itself doesn’t increase cpu load, so that can’t be the problem…am I missing something obvious why it is this way?
It also has to do with that the shown parameters need a parameter number in the pattern editor. As there is only one digit (hex) to index what parameter you are changing, you can only change 16 different parameter per device using pattern commands. To change more then 16 parameters you simply add another device etc.
This is already limiting the vst fx because you can only change the 16 first sliders using pattern commands. There is no way to currently change parameter #17 in a vst for instance, using pattern commands. So there should really be a vst automation device as well if this system was suppose to be complete.
This is a much discussed structural thing about renoise that will be continued discussed in the future.
The discussion also imply more digits in the pattern it self, new ways to integrate graphical automation information with pattern commands. A new RNI device could automatically add the most popular parameters directly to good old known pattern commands (like pitch etc).
It’s not easy to explain all this in a few words.
But it’s not that easy to just change the current way either
There is usually a small range of parameters you want to change for an instrument in the song, if you exceed the need of 14 parameters, add another automate device for the same instrument and you can add another 14 parameters, and so forth.
This also gives you the ability to group parameters you want to change for the instrument which also means that if you expand the vstiautomate device for the parameter group you attached to it would not show all these 10000 parameters and you have to scroll all your way down to find that particular parameter you want to control in automation (unlike what you have with the VST effects that show up in your automation list).
I would be happy if i could limit the VST effects in the same way so that at least only the vital changed parameters get visible in the expanded node and if i need more i can add one by right-clicking on the node and just select one in the full list of available parameters:not limited but clean and workable.
If this could be the same way with VSTis, this would also remove the limitation of needing more vsti-automate devices in the tracks, however you would limit yourself in the amount of parameters you can change through the pattern effect columns.
But the last idea i put up here seems a good compromise of both worlds of desires.
Not too much at once, yet not hard-limited (expandable).
Would it be an option to keep it as it is right now with the vstautomate device, but, also include the vsti(-parameters) in the automation tab window?? Seems natural way of working for me Instance vsti in instrument list, have the parameters show up in the automation tab.
VSTis are not bound to a track, they are instruments. You are free to place them on whatever track you want. Automation is bound to tracks, thats why the VSTiAutomationDevice is needed as a “link” between those.