Winnipeg Manitoba!!

So im posting this, mainly out of excitment (this is my fav. forum in any case) and because I know there a couple people from around here in this Forum… so here it is Otto and Venetian Snares WITH fanny, Not Half (two other AWESOME LOCAL BREAKCORE/NOISECORE artists) October 30th 2010. Should be SO FUCKING AWESOME!!! Best of all it’s in a small dingy style pub here in Winnipeg so the vibe will be AWESOME!! The bar is known for its awesome little moshing area for punk shows so this will NOT be different!! ;) . And for all of you that will miss it, ill be sure to update with a link of the recorded show/visuals (a friend of mine aswell). [center]
[/center]CANT WAIT!! [center]
[/center]Anyone else seen Otto live? I read somewhere that he’s fucking Killer… any opinions?[center]

Sounds like you’re gonna have a blast!! Seen Otto live quite a few times… you just get into that moshpit and let us know what’s left of you when Otto leaves the stage :)

[center]Man… oh it’s gunna be SWEEEET! Have you heard of Fanny or Not Half before? I’d recomend checking out Fanny’s album - “Strange Planes Spray Cancers Over Winnipeg”… It’s a goodie if you like Breakcore/ Noise-ish shit. Anyway yeah i am really excited… Aaron better play hand throw. such a GREAT track to bust out to a crowd of deserving breakcore feindz… lol!
