Wire Mp3 Player To Renoise?

Does anybody know if there is any way to route the audio from an audio player like Winamp into a channel in Renoise?
I feel like it would be a useful tool for mastering and comparing your track to the loudness of a track that you like.
Anybody know?


This kind of thing generally depends on your operating system and sound card. Using Linux and Jack it’s as easy as pie with just about anything though!

Well would you know of anything you could do with a pc running vista with the stock soundcard? Is there maybe some sort of free audio routing software that could route audio channels playing in other applications to be picked up in renoise’s mixer?

There is no such thing as a “default soundcard” in a PC. I don’t use Vista but think I remember some people saying it has made it harder, even on soundcards it is usually easy, than it was in XP. Not sure of any other software.

What specifically are you trying to do? Why not load the mp3 in Renoise itself? As from your initial post, it sounds like you just want to compare your sound against a track you have on your computer.

EDIT: Sorry didn’t actually look and assumed you were original poster. The points still stand though.