i’m not talking about a modplug-ripoff…
I’m talking about a GUI where you can choose your own resulotion, have everything gathered in menues, make use of popups and dragable toolbars wich make it possible for the user to build his own customized GUI etc. Make use of windws own file-browser etc…
If you do it this way and then build in support for skins you get a more flexible interface…
Cubase SX is indeed not a tracker but a damn good example that you can make windows-gui-programs look good…
well… i never been caring about gui much, i like ft2’s, i like renoise’s. it’s about feeling to me, it’s not about good looking. it’s hard to me make music when i see windows gui, i feel sick. i also love to use far commander instead explorer, i don’t need good looking, i don’t need skin, and i don’t want to push “OK” in every popup like “you’re about to choose instument N 1, are you sure?”… tracking it’s not about vertical scrolling, tracking it’s about life style.
yeah yeah… I don’t need good looking gui either but I definitly like userfriendly GUI’s… I’ve been tracking since 1988, my first tracker was SoundTracker 1.0… so you do not need to preach for me what tracking is about, please…
If I want to be nostalgic, I turn on my Amiga… But now I’m looking for a good music-software that can satisfy everyones need, and if you want a FT2-looking GUI and I want a Win-based gui. Why not use skins to satisfy both of us???
The resolution thing is necessary to do something about. I use 1024x768 (sometimes 800x600 if I use the laptop) and it’s just senseless the way it is fullscreen even when it’s not. If you look at Sk@le, I would say they are inferior to Renoise in a good many ways, but I can have that app on my desktop and switch seemlessly between that and whatever plugins/apps I have open.
Renoise’s interface is superb in and of itself, but very rigid, and I hope that will change to some extent later on. I don’t mean that I want a Cubase SX, Logic AP, etc. type of thing (where everything has it’s own window that you have to click-close or do a long journey to CTRL-F4 to get rid of, and with everything being draggable and never dropping into the same place twice), but that it could have some type of compact mode that would take about 3/4 of a 1024x768 screen or something.
And you obviously didn’t read my last post did you? It’s more than you that is going to use renoise. So if you please listen we can maybe find a solution for eveyone…
It is obvious that you and I don’t use music softwares in the same way. I use music software to create music, and you to be nostalgic. As I sais before, if I want to be nostalgic I start my Amiga. SounTracker was indeed a very good tracker back then but to compare what you can do today it’s not! Same thing with FT2. Just to realize. And if you want to keep on using the FT2 look, why not use a skin to do it??
I do not realy agree with you here. I am a pro user and need to swich between different apps. I use a 1600x1200 resulotion and I want to use it all. 1024x768 is just a litle spot on my screen. I also like when all functions is gathered in menues, and I also like to customize my own GUI by moving toolbars and stuff around. If you don’t like the same way of working, thats fine, but this is my way and do not blame me, just realize that people think different…
And don’t missunderstand me here. I don’t think the present GUI sucks or anything, it’s ok but it can be better…
[QUOTE]iits easy and intuitive to handle and makes making music cool again compared to all thos click-click-click window shitappz. i would realy like if it stays that way and with all the nice keyboard-shortcuts you making music 90% faster compared to any click-application.[QUOTE]
And since when did it be impossible to have keyboard shortcuts in windows apps???
For god sake! I do not mean to change the functionality. It shall still be a tracker, not a seqencer. And in a tracker you can do almost evrything with the keyboard. And that shall be kept even if the GUI is different…
I just try to come with some creative tips here and all you people can say is “it was better in earlier years, please keep it like it was back then, please do not change anything”… come on please!!
I definitely think the Renoise GUI is on the right track and I personally would NOT like to see it go in the way of Cubase or any other windows GUI. The current GUI makes it feel like you are making music on equipment rather than a program. My mixing definately sounds better in Renoise also because I cant “see” the waves etc, while they are playing which makes me focus on the sound rather than looking at the screen (true?). Also, at the moment everything is very accessible once you work out where everything is.
Twilek: stop mentioning your amiga tracker and how long you make music all the time, we all should know it till now. i recommend you to use fruityloops its what you need i think. and i am NOT nostalgic, i almost used any app for making music on PC, even if they where shit in handling, just the results counted and i always said, oh man, why does noone make a tracker with this features until renoise came up. what you want means 2 from ground of different userinterfaces and i think that would be realy to much work to do for the coders. the other way would be converting the currently GUI to a windows application in Winstyle and in my opinion that is what 99% of the users here DONT want. take it as arguments and my point of view i dont want to blame you in anyway. and give Fruityloops a try, i used it a long time and i think its what you want.
Fastmaster you’re being unfair. Why should he/she not voice his/her opinion, experience, preference, etc when it’s all relevant? The fact is that Renoise will need to change (to skinnable, maybe even modular (by that I mean being scripted in much the same way as LiteStep, etc)) for everyone to feel comfortable with it. The more control ppl have over it, and the more it has the capacity for change, the better. It depends whether or not it’s just a cosmetic thing or something that will have some type of (positive) impact on your use of the app. I think what twilek mentioned has much to do with the latter, and little if any to do with the first.
All the time? I mentioned it ONE time when an ignorant person tried to sound like I didn’t know what tracking is about!
and btw, I have indeed NOT mentioned how long I’ve been making music, so I don’t know where you got that one from, but I can say that it is much longer than I have used trackers…
I’ve tried Fruity Loops and I do not think it suit my purposes. Renoise does but it still has some minor things that can be changed. And the only thing I try to do is to say what I think…
I want a real tracker as Renoise, but I want it as good as possible.
If I didn’t have Renoise as an option I would rather use Cubase than Fruity Loops
It’s just what I think, I do not demand it. But I think it could be a very good improvement for Renoise. And since when has it been ILLEGAL to say what one think?? I talked to a friend that hasn’t a tracker-history and he said “If Renoise get a more flexible GUI it would get realy hot on the music-market”… He isn’t an old FastTracker user, he is a normal user, and if Renoise want to get users more than just old tracker-people it has to be more userfriendly. That is just a simpel fact.
Maybe, but 99% of the users here is old fasttracker-users… Most new users that has never used a tracker wont meybe even bother to try Renoise because of the old and unfriendly interface and if it is so it is realy sad cause Renoise is so good so it deserver a good GUI… And again: that is MY opinion, so if you think different that is fine for me, one thing that isn’t fine for me though is when one get flamed when one only say what one thinks…
btw, I think Renoise rocks! but it still can be improved! And I try to come with some creative ideas here…
this thread was posted the same day I joined this forum. And it is about all the things (not just the GUI) that I wish to see in renoise…
and I admit that I hadn’t read many threads when I wrote this