Senn this on anohter site and thought this was kinda cool… check 'er out!
From the site:
“The focus of this index is on women in experimental/avant garde music: contemporary classical/post-classic composition, free improvisation and avant jazz, electronic/ electroacoustic music, sound art, sound installations, radio art, sound poetry, etc.”
Who needs “chicks on speed” when there can be “queens on renoise”? Wonder how many anonymous nicks all around scene are female behind the scene, but won’t tell as not to be tackled or harassed in one manner or another because of it?
Weird day, I was reading an old interview with Tokimonsta today where she was asked about being female, and her response was pretty much, who cares. Which I tend to agree.
But it’s weird because this comes on the same day the violinist from Kayo Dot and Gregor Samsa was mentioned on the BBC for her “perv magnet” instagram about how much she is harassed online.
There are a lot of amazing musicians and composers out there who happen to be female, I listen to so many I kinda forget about it honestly. It doesn’t seem as common in the west as it is in the east but they are everywhere. In light of Mia’s instagram it is kinda sad how they are seen, even at times dismissed artistically for being female, I don’t get why people think like that.
A few not on the list (though I can name so many more I’ve also forgotten a lot sadly)
Also this book may be relevant to anyone interested in women in electronic music, I haven’t read it but I recall it’s existence for some reason
What difference does it make if they are women or not?
The point is, and especially in my experiences in the modular world and even tracking, it seemes to be a male driven influence. My intrest is mearly experiencing the diversity that is our culture!
The point is, and especially in my experiences in the modular world and even tracking, it seemes to be a male driven influence.
I don’t know, maybe you’re right. I don’t know the sex of any one here though or really for a lot of the music I listen to either. Just because more men do it doesn’t mean it’s male driven. Can’t say I care two hoots about gender or diversity, if you make decent music I will listen to it and appreciate it.
I don’t know, maybe you’re right. I don’t know the sex of any one here though or really for a lot of the music I listen to either. Just because more men do it doesn’t mean it’s male driven. Can’t say I care two hoots about gender or diversity, if you make decent music I will listen to it and appreciate it.
I feel ya, really it was a curiousity that I had just stumbled upo in a message board and figured it would be interesting to post =) Im not hating by any stretch
Idk I tried using LSDJ once a loong long time ago and it just amazed me to no end. I didn’t understand it like I do renoise but when I hear stuff from people like USK who use multiple gameboys in one song, I am just in awe of it
Same goes for Toriena who mixes LSDJ and Nanoloop from time to time, the skill involved in making chirptune with a gameboy is really special. I always appreciate it, probably more than I should, probably because I failed at it years ago, heh