they offered you to sell your music through a music label…
great, huh?
of course, this means that you won’t be able to distribute your music for free anymore.
So what’s your price?
they offered you to sell your music through a music label…
great, huh?
of course, this means that you won’t be able to distribute your music for free anymore.
So what’s your price?
don’t understand … “this means that you won’t be able to distribute your music for free anymore”
your music is yours everytime - you are the creator … expect you sell all the rights of the music.
if you releasing a normal cd on a major label i think they don’t get all the rights on the music … it’s a question of the contract between you and the label. the same for instrumental music: normally you sell a user-licence in view of your and the customer rights.
and - it’s only a question of money … so your poll-answers are not accurate
you mean that there could be an arrangment which would let me still distribute for free the same music the label sells?
hmmm… sounds strange to me. Which label would ever accept this?
about the unaccuracy of poll answers: you mean I should add money ranges?
ok … the same music … i think not … most label contracts are depends on a time-period or number of releases i think … but is there a probleme?! if i could publish my music on a music label i think i can get free cds of my own music too and distribute it for free or something like this … i think this should be possible
If someone would pay me money for my music I would not hesitate to take it. Unless I knew I could get a better deal
it can’t be wrong to make a living out of something which is your hobby and passion. so yes, i’d be in if the contract was not just profitable for the label…
Well, luckily I run my own label, so I’m able to sell my music and still distribute the MP3s for free. I haven’t had much of a problem with it yet, since most if my market is DJs and/or record collectors. I imagine if I started to try to release CDs I’d see a problem, but vinyl does quite well for me.
Actually I think it could. I’d love the idea of making money (or, really, making music good enough to make money) - but I’d rather just keep it a hobby. I love it already; how is money going to help the situation?
Well if you can support yourself (and your family) by making music then why not?
Seems like a great job
You can spend all day just making music and not worrying about going to work etc. etc.
free sex, drugs & empeathreazZ!
…or sell your soul and be a hooker
I agree, so yes here aswell
I would like to sign a contract, so I can make a commercial album or something like that and make money from it, but even then I would take some time for the scene.
So true, but for many of us just a dream I guess
I see a future in ‘Media’-music… music for tv-ads, films (short/feature), multimedia-content, games, tailormade music for department-stores etc.
Since music for pure enjoyment/entertainment is so readily available (and so easily ‘stolen’/reproduced), and record-companies’re probably dying
one solution (if the goal is to make money) is to target the companies that need music directly… release your tracks FREE! make a name for yourself and then charge for commercial use. well, it’s a thought…
I was actually once asked to make music for porn-movies, but I kindly declined that offer
money is not supposed to enforce one’s love to music, but more likely it will eliminate one limiting value we all have to face when exercising our hobby, which is known as time.
everybody has to pay bills and make a living out of something just guarantee a certain economic status. most commonly most of us also have other private things to do apart from working 8hrs a day. so to sum it up, the average citizen does 8hrs of work, 8hrs of sleep and has aprx. 8hrs of sparetime left, in which you usually have to deal with other “duties” like family, household, friends, etc… sometimes you’re stuck in a traffic jam when driving to your workplace and gone are another 2hrs of those valuable twentyfour you have to “waste” a day.
so when are you going to write music? exercise your hobby? how much time is left for it and aren’t you just too exhausted from your daily job and family-affairs?
you see, money is the reason you go to work for, and one could save at least 8hrs a day if you’d make a living out of writing music. that’s the major advantage i wouldn’t dare to miss if i’d be given that certain possibility…