hey sorry but it seems like the instrument settings is totally removed from downstairs. so when in the pattern editor one have to go to a new window in order to for an example tune instrument or just select a vsti…is this for real!?!

im sorry and please don’t take it personal I ALSO LOVE RENOISE! But this is seriously a big if not a major shortcoming in the program.

the great thing about renoise is once you get to know the program its really possible to work flawless without any showstops or stupid workarounds.

Please tell me that i just don’t get it and that i am shouting and crying without even trying renoise 3 out for real. i have been working in it for 4 days now. so yes…BUT!

best regards. a big frustration and a sorry if im wrong

There is small instrument editor with beta6 on the left side under the list of instruments but it is still not advanced as inst. editor in 2.8 so we need to wait…

In 3.0 beta 6 we introduced an instrument properties panel, which you can find below the instrument list on the right side of the interface. You can quickly access many of the common properties here, and you can also configure which elements to show/hide.

4729 renoise-3b6-instrument-panel.png

And it probably never will be. It’s not intended to be an advanced editor, it’s only intended to provide quick access to commonly used properties. If you want to delve deeper into the instrument structure, then you should use the full instrument editor for this.

ahh nice device :) and it really make my grin ear to ear to see the “we need to wait” part
i can easily see the instrument setting being up there…

as always thank you guys very much. and thanks for a great program. i wish i could build like this :)

I wasnt precise in my answer. I just wanted to point out there is at least one function that should be here and is not (chaning program with vst).

I agree :]