[wrong systemdate]Anyone Having Problems Downloading New Release

Hi Guys, Ive been using renoise since 1.12. Bought it ages ago. Ive never had problems with downloading the new versions via backstage. My 1.8RC1 has expired today. Everytime I log into backstage, I can only download v1.8 RC1???

Is the version ready?

Ive had to re-register on the forum today because I forgot my old login(havent logged in for a 2 years) even though I check the forums regularly. Ive purchased renoise since 1.2. Ill post some of my tunes soon… Ive developed a massive collection of unfinished rns’s… with a fair few finished.

Please let me know whats going on… cant live without renoise…!!! :panic:

Ive doenload RC1 from the backstage 10mins ago. I installed renoise and started it up. Splash screen says expire dec 21 2006. I used renoise 3 days ago. Honest.

Hi Bantai, seriously it keeps asking me to download new build even though splash screen say V1.8.0 RC1(21 Dec 2006). Ive tried re-installing, downloading etc. Any other ideas mate?


Hi Bantai, I canrt email you from your profile. I get msg that says not permitted. I have the splash screen and dialogue in jpeg now

Have you checked your windows time settings, if the date is correct? Doubleclick on the clock in the taskbar.

Ive just sent the screenshot. Sorry if its big file. Ive tried the clock as well… its wierd?!

This happened to me a couple times with beta 8, simply restarting renoise solved the problem for me.

I really love the ability to use the beta versions of renoise and have never been negatively affected by using any of the prerelease versions. All of the beta versions I have ever used have worked beautifully.

I do however get a little annoyed when I have to download a new version of the software because of the expiry. I would appreaciate if the earlier versions of the beta had a 2 month expiry because I always forget my backstage login and have to retrieve it every time I need to download a new version. I understand having a 1 month limit but the first version of the beta was months ago and I never had any problems with it. If this suggestion is not implimented I won’t cry because I still feel privileged to use the beta versions of this, my favorite software.

Hi Bantai, I thought I better post this message. I have been thick as a tree trunk. My clock date was forward by 1 month. I apologise for wasting your time. Ill post a tune very soon for my sins.
Thanks and sorry again
Tone.(Wanting to curl up and die and get swollowed by the ground!!!) :) ;)

Mate, don’t worry about it. It’s nothing compared to the stupif shit i get up to every single day of my life.
