Well, that… when we will have thoose controllers, so we can just move a joystick and record data for two controllers istead one? Something simple, having the function of the LFO (assign to any control in the DSP chain), and the joystick to move with the mouse and record as any other control holding the rigth click.
possibly as a meta device?
I’ve suggested this a few times too already. Would love that, especially with Alchemy around the corner.
Yes, it should be a meta divice as the LFO, so you can assign its outputs to any control in the divice chain.
Another way to do this would be allowing a master record on automatitions. So if you move any control with the normal click, Renoise will record all that data in the automatition section. Having this recording activated, we can set a meta divice to set the controllers of the VSTi, and when we move controls on the VSTi GUI, the data is recorded, because the control in the DSP chain is also moving, and the master record setting is on and capture all movments. It’s also simple to me.