"xyz" Device

Why not make the XY Device more of an XYZ Device? When you touch it (the “Z-axis”), it can trigger a given parameter value.

Would be kick ass. ^_^

Yea, could be useful for on/off dsp state to temporary modulate stuff for example.



plus one.

yes make z a trigger. i imagine jamming with a bunch of send tracks in an unconventional way.

How can you trigger Z when clicking on the pad already grabs the mouse to change XY? :wacko:

Scrollwheel :P

Pressure-sensitive pen

EDIT: Or, use the scrollwheel. Or, use an additional mouse (e.g. http://cpnmouse.sourceforge.net/ )
EDIT 2: Lightwave 3D uses RMB-drag to move in the Y-axis, while LMB-drag moves in the X/Z plane.

As I say: “it can trigger a given parameter value”…

So for example if you want to fake some dubdelay kinda effect: Z can trigger the Send of the Delay from -INFdb to 0db and X and Y are linked to the Cutoff and Resonance of Filter 3 on LP. ;)

Taktik really meanted: which part of of the mouse are you going to use to change the Z-angle if you are using a mouse.

Stop fooling around. Z angle is only 1 bit depth. Left click > 1 (max) and 0 at release, Right click the same and back XY values to original on release. Middle click > record movements and loop on release.

except the middle-click stuff. thats it.

@taktik …and while the z value is 1 you change the x-y position. see it like a “mouse click indicator”.
i mean its optional if you assign z or not, right?!
sorry if its unpractical logic.

Could you please tell why this would be impossible?

I propose that Renoise 2.6 should have an ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Device:

  • the X and Y parameters will continue to work as they currently do

  • the Z parameter will be a trigger

  • the A through W parameters, when used in conjunction with the SHIFT key, will simultaneously open a piano roll, an arranger, a beat slicer, a native Genuine Sidechain Compressor Device For People Who Can’t Sound Exactly Like Deadmau5 With The Signal Follower Device (or GSCDFPWCSELDWTSFD for short), and a new and improved Donnie Darko Edition Signal Follower that can travel through the spacetime continuum via a virtual wormhole to control tracks that are to the left