Yet another topic about shuffle for lpb > 5


I’m new to renoise, I started using it two days ago with v3.1.

I read stuff on this board about shuffle/groove and didn’t find the information I was looking for about shuffle in the phrases editor.

When using shuffle with lpb = 4, odd lines are perfectly delayed like anyone would expect it.

Here is a visual example with LPB = 4 and shuffle at somewhat 50%

timeline: | . . . | . . . ( | for the fist line of the beat, . for a line )

written: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ( numbers are just here to identify each note, no other meaning )

played: 1 23 4 5 67 8

When switching to LPB = 6, I can’t figure out how the result might be used.

Shuffle is set to 50%, I approximately ear this behaviour:

timeline : | . . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . . | . . . . . .

written: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P

played: 1 2 345 6 7 8 9AB C D E FGH I J K LMN O P ( pretty weird, the beat is no more synced with the main pattern )

Actually, my drawing is not accurate because the 7 written and the 8 played are not totally simultaneous… The time factory seams broken this way.

edit: I added a song recently, quite noisy, sorry :[

Here it is:


ps: I’m using renoise 3.1 running under ubuntu/linux 15.10 x86_64.

When switching to LPB = 6, I can’t figure out how the result might be used

I guess the confusion stems from the fact that the phrase will restart the shuffle when it reaches the end.

For example, we could modify your straight-up LPB = 4 example:

1 23 41 23 41 23 41 ...

This is the usual, expected “every second line squeezed together” result.

But with three lines, we instead would get this:

1 23 1 23 1 23 ...

Basically, the shuffle is reset for every third line (or rather, each time the phrase playback reach the end).

The solution is simple: just add enough lines in the phraseto make the shuffle and LPB obtain “equilibrium”.

1 23 45 61 23 45 61 ...


thanks for you answer, I just made some tests but I don’t recognize the behaviour you describe. Actually, I wasn’t so happy to have the same groove everywhere in a phrase, so I tried to use the delay column in order to get groovy in a more flexible way, and it seems pretty efficient to me (and can be used in patterns or phrases without taking care). With this trick, I think I don’t need shuffle or global groove anymore, so this is the ultimate useless post, I apologize for that… :slight_smile:

Because useless is beautiful, I wrote a small phrase and rendered a new example on my setup that you can get here:

The first phrase is shuffle free, the second has delay column filled of 80 on odd lines (and sounds like I expect) and the third is the same than the first with 50% shuffle (and doesn’t sound like the second, despite the fact I thought it should).

If your concerned about ear bleeding, this little song is far less noisy than the first one, don’t be afraid. :wink:

The result seems very strange to me, maybe a wolf is hiding behind my laptop, so here is the renoise song:

By the way, lua API seems easy to use, so I’m thinking about writing a minimal tool that could generate the delay column with presets (in context menu or keyboard shortcuts), is there anything bad about thinking shuffle this way ?