I just want your help guys. I’m lucky I have another PC to post this thread.
A mid-strong typhoon flooded the subdivision where I live and my house was flooded 2 inches. But something bad was gone wrong my CPU got wet on the floor!. After the flood, I’ve tried my CPU to dry through wiping, blow-drying and any stuff just to make it dry. Then, when I tried to turn my PC on, it wont boot or beeping three times. How am I going to solve this?
Post some remedies first before you say something else.
I am guessing that those 3 beebs indicate that problem is at the memorychips. Try placing them again if that works. If not, blow-drying and wiping might have created static electricity that has damaged them. In that case only way to repair them is to buy new ones.
Depending on how the humidity was during this flood, you might want to open you case, remove all your cards and stuff, clean the connectors of all your cards and memory dimms with alcohol and use a dry-blower to chase out any moist that could have damped into your case. Then insert everything again and likely everything will run again.
If you do not perform this cleanup, you might keep experiencing problems that are only resolved for very short periods (like a few days or perhaps a few weeks).
Water breaks down your materials if it has the freedom to short-circuit your prints or corrode the pins of your components.