YouTube thumbnails, what makes you click them?

Can you name one ugly 80s singer? I don’t know any. They were “normal” looking. :slightly_smiling_face:
Today it’s about the show and the social media status, and not about the music anymore, that’s why everything except some specific “underground stuff” sounds the same and sucks.

Personally I only click on recommendations which are based on videos that I’ve clicked before because they matched my interest. For example, when I click on an Elektro music video, more Elektro music will be recommended. That’s what makes me click on videos. No more and no less. I don’t care about thumbnails.

None of them, but the second one looks definitely more interesting. In contrary to the first one the second one shows something one can expect of the video, whereas the first one delivers zero information (despite the “Hadware Jam” text in the title) and looks like an uninspired cover of whatever.

Generation Z? What in your phone could possibly be that interesting? I’ll never get how people always stare at their way too small screens all the time and forget about real life. It’s absolutely ridiculous. And that’s one reason why today’s people are that degenerated.


Dee Snider


That’s the singer of “Twisted Sister”, right? Just remove his show makeup and he looks normal. And today every second sick one who’s claiming there are more than 2 genders looks kinda like that. :wink:

yes, that’s dee snider and gender bending/blending is certainly nothing new, although it perhaps takes some somewhat different forms today

That’s right, gender blending is “normal” since the ancient world at the latest and it doesn’t necessarily make someone look ugly, but what I was talking about is the ignorance of biological facts by a small minority of some completely lost ones. Anyway, is there another ugly singer? I mean, the look of Dee Snider was part of the show, right? And today there are also a lot of “weird” looking people in the industry for the same reasons.

Weird stuff as a thumbnail is probably also interesting for those who click on videos because of thumbnails. :wink:

Well, ugly is a matter of taste, no? Nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so, and all that :upside_down_face:

Most “normal” people aren’t exactly gorgeous lol

We can’t all look like the Terminator :sunglasses:

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I want to see some unique, self made art, lo-fi or whatever. Nothing general, AI generated or overly stereotypical.

Ofc the content then have to match the cover too.

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I might have exaggerated a little but yeah in my opinion most of the 80s great female singers weren’t exactly beauty queens, sure they looked normal underneath and that’s my point, singing or any other craft really was open to everyone who was great at it, now though it’s mostly about the ass, a facade or a show as you put it.

I click female body shapes and good looking synthesizers, sadly… it’s very difficult to get a clue about the actual content or even quality of the video.

What i find interesting to know: which kind of videos do you think wasted your lifetime the most ( ok, actually you are wasting your lifetime)?

I find like 95% obsolete. The most annoying ones for me are influencers talking about other influencers, or influencers talking about influencers talking about influencers, which all make boring content. And then do not even realize how boring their thoughts are…. And you clicked that and even watched it 5 minutes already!!

Or all those superficial contents. Like the 94784746th mixing secret video. The 20th opinion about foreign, unreflected thoughts… Sorry to say, but this makes me think that people with a tendency to extrovert/speak in public often also have a lack of intelligence. Maybe it’s also because you learn nowadays even in the school to steam chat, and not at all to write down and overthink your thoughts. It’s really sad … the Surface shines like gold, but the inner is just a mountain of shit. And google likes that… quality content doesn’t matter at all anymore.

Or maybe i am just to old for this shit.


There’s no difference in my opinion. Are there any “beauty queens” today in the music business? I don’t think there’s any female singer who’s a beauty queen, especially not in comparison to the female 80s singers. Just to name a few: Madonna, Whitney Houston, Belinda Carlisle, Laura Branigan, Olivia Newton-John, Kylie Minogue, Kim Wilde, Taylor Dayne, Janet Jackson, Sade and so on. All of them are better looking than any current female singer I know. But you’re right, in the 80s it was about talent in terms of music. Today there’s auto tune and stuff, and indeed it’s all about the show, no more and no less.

Yes of course. But there’s also science about that question. One could measure “beauty”. It all depends on the right distances of elements especially of your face, but also in terms of body proportions. :wink:

Or reactions to reactions to whatever. I also love videos in which a little kid wants to explain how the world works and what you should do in case of this and that. But the biggest waste of time are those videos that got millions of clicks, just like the ones from “Mr. Beast” or similar.

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Breast and Butts :crazy_face: lol

My dopamine system and coping strategies never got that hooked on Youtube doom-watching. It can sometimes happen if I have no other motivation than to passively pass/waste time. Clickbaitey stuff is just a turn-off. I do have other guilty pleasures.

Regarding mixing and music tutorials in general, I don’t see the point of most of them any more. It’s just an industry feeding the market with empty calories, making people crave more. The fx/synth industry is much the same. If there were as much focus put on arrangement, rhythm layout and soundset-design - the “need” for mixing tutorials and new software would decline rapidly. How many of those tutorials have you seen on Youtube though? Close to none, I would guess. Or they don’t show up in the search results.

End of rant :slight_smile:


Not sure about the second part of new software declining. People still want new toys. But that first statement is 100% true. A good arrangement mixes itself.

Indeed. You can teach someone how a compressor works in a 10 to 20 minute video. How to make a good arrangement is a lot harder to teach. It requires a lot of time, effort and skill. Skills that you can only acquire by doing.

There are some of those videos out there. Or at least people breaking down tracks, figuring out how they work.

Most that talk about arrangements do the cookie cutter thing. 4 bars this, 8 bars that, followed by 4 bars such and 16 bar so. Etc, etc. :yawning_face:

That yawning face is a bit crude as the system works. But it’s all so samey. :frowning: