Zebra2 VST With 1/64th Arp Problems

This is a really specific bug with either Zebra2 or Renoise, and once again, no biggie.

With the basic single oscillator sound that’s loaded on Zebra’s initialisation, set the arpeggiator to 1/64 with the 1st note at transpose 0, and 2nd note with transpose +12, and a step number of 2. Then in global/fx, set voices to arpeggiator.
Then set 2 different notes to play together at the start of a pattern.
Play it back several times, and you’ll hopefully notice that it sometimes sounds different.
If I put a D1 (delay) command on the 2nd note, it seems to play back correctly and consistently.

This has something to do with the octave setting in zebra 's arp.
Change arp speed to 1/16 and octave setting to 2 and you’ll notice that the beginning of the pattern is always a bit different .( like your example but slower because of thearp speed )
To change the problem just don’t put two notes on the same line …I guess this has something to do with zebra’s voice allocation

Hello In-Fluence,

please report this to the Zebra devs. Its very very unlikely that this is a problem in Renoise, but more likely that theres something wrong in the plugin. Even if we have to fix/add something for this, only the plugin devs can bring in some light here, tell us / why / what happens exactly here…