Renoise Knock-Out Tournament - Round 2 - Results Are In!

Yes, that sounds like a perfect way to make perfectionists (a bit like me) batshit crazy in just 6 months :lol:

OK dudes, I’ve confirmed via email with Keith that he would be able to get something done over the weekend… So I’ve extended deadline until Sunday Night (8/1 00:00 EST)

Heard anything from evah yet? I saw he logged on today so apparently he’s not on vacation ^_^

Get yer songs in on time, peeps! I wanna listen to all of 'em already!! ;)

waiting by the 'puter

today i finally had the chance to spend 3 hours on the track - even though it sucks pretty bad, it’s better than dying by disqualification.
thanks for your patience and the extension everyone, i hope EVAH also made it in time now.

I bet it sounds lightyears better than I’ll ever be able to produce. ;)

Vote links!!!






I’m not really sure what happened with E.H.V.A.H. … I wrote him on Saturday and he wrote me back saying he didn’t realize he had made it to round 2 and that he was going to send me something. I haven’t heard anything since. I regret to have to do this, but since I haven’t received anything, E.H.V.A.H. is disqualified this round due to no entry.

Competitors are required to vote, everyone else is also encouraged to vote. Chotoro, let’s get this voting started. Good luck everyone!

I can’t vote for another day and 6 hours?

Yes, I’ve sent a telegraph to Chotoro to ask him to press the “on” switch on the votematic! Voting should begin shortly.

Might I suggest using a pidgeon messenger onwards from now? After all, it’s not the 20th century anymore :P

Telegraph seems to have been effective though.

I overlooked it before, so I just coded the disqualification functionality.

The Votematic is now turned on!

Good luck and lots o’ voting.

Pidgeons are environment friendly! And they are said to bring luck in certain occasions related to digestive system final steps. You can’t refute that!

Yeah but they are more likely to get eaten on route!

Lolled, I thought of posting almost the exact same comment a few hours ago :lol:

I vote for ceefax.

quote from the Votematic:

due to the DQ and selfvote, i am not able to cast more than two votes, right?

Oops. Fixed it, thanks! It doesn’t really matter though, it’s just intended as a helpful text.

Checking in from Venice right now, won’t be able to vote until Tuesday so hope that is ok.

You’ve got 15 minutes left :lol: