Sensible 3.2 Wish-list

No, there were discussions about VST 2.4 sidechaining here before: The devs believe that VST 2.4 isnt capable of sidechaining, but it’s not true, it is actually possible.

So I try to get this information into the brains of the devs, but it seems to be a very hard job to do that.

character is such an ugly word, and the least of the things I’d care for when this gets implemented, ha

Did you tried a real sidechain in another daw? It really sounds a lot better and makes a quite a big difference.

Also parallel compression…in Renoise? Nah, never heard of it…

Jurek: they don’t need to hear all this, they are highly trained professionals. :stuck_out_tongue:

And there are more than a few things that sound objectively better than a signal follower>gainer at 4-8LPB 12TPL :stuck_out_tongue:

No, there is a huge barrier in the brains of dblue and taktik, so we have to repeat and repeat over and over and over again. The pain of reading this over and over again has to be larger than the pain ofconquering one’s weaker self.

Now that’s not a very nice thing to say. :c

You could just perform all mixing in another daw with all the pluginaudio routing, high precision automation recording, sample views, everything.

The devs believe that VST 2.4 isnt capable of sidechaining
there is a huge barrier in the brains of dblue and taktik

Not sure where you got this idea from, but let me clear it up now: We are of course fully aware (and always have been) that VST 2.4 plugins can have multiple inputs, and that side chaining is therefore possible in VST 2.4 plugins.

The fact that it isn’t implemented in Renoise yet does not mean that we’re totally ignorant of it.

So there’s no need to be rude and imply that we are somehow brain-dead just because a feature you want is currently missing.

We know that more and more people desire side chaining in their Renoise workflow these days. We hear you guys loud and clear, alright?


Ok I got it. Thanks for the clear statement.

Detachable Mixer and Audio/Midi routing ++

Tight integration of instrument plugins into the XRNI format. I.e. an XRNI can

  • Contain many instrument plugins, each using common and/or specific phrases, settngs, etc.
  • Route each of these through common and/or specific effect chains

As sidechaining has already been brought up, err…now one level advanced:

You dig LV2 support? LV2 features not only control in, but also control out ports. Yeah, like the meta devices in renoise. Wanna have & code my own hydras&co…

Formula device processing @ sample rate .

with all the usual math functions …