1 Emerging Ideology

using IRL is just a way of saying “it’s good to go outside sometimes” in a sarcastic fashion

I first heard it in text MUDs in the 90s to differentiate the role-played character from the person behind the keys.

It’s also “Indy Racing League,” the championship of single-seat open-wheel racing for US and Canada.

what if we change it to: I really laughed! :D

would that have to be IRL’d or maybe could we just suplant it with a new meaning?

http://encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php…erious_Business :P

Well I know at least one company offers a satellite connection or did, I think it’s called haynes or something. but, also this may be reaching a bit but there is a also moon net, in which you bounce signals off of the moon it’s used in ham/amatuer radio circles, so theoretically you could use it to bounce network traffic.

The meme “the internet is serious business” is, according to that article, used to remind people how silly it is to get offended over internet mockery… I propose however, that it is silly to get offended at ANY mockery, whether from the internet, or in person communication.

Your linking to a farce site like ED doesn’t prove your point in the slightest, it just indicates that you probably don’t use the internet for anything serious. There are many people here that DO use it for serious business.

I propose a new meme, that covers more ground than the one you linked to, as it also relates to “real life”:

whoops I meant Hughes net: "Hughes Net satellite internet provides broadband service to many, yadda yadda. it’s in use in haines* alaska.

Is Renoise Life?

A big part of it, anyway.

what’s the opposite to “in real life”?
there’s no unreal life. even the virtual dungeons of the internet are part of the real life.




“Real life” itself isn’t subjective. Such a thing cannot be subjective. It can’t be objective either.

What is entirely subjective is our interpretation of what constitutes real life. There’s no way to avoid that subjectivity, but we can strive to be as objective as possible.

Pff… A beautiful Dutch word for this is ‘geneuzel’…

“That’s not an apple, it’s a PICTURE of an appel.”


Come on, you know thats what i meant. Don’t be so pedantic.
Real life as a term for what one considers real and another sees as false…subjective.

I’ll be pedantic if I wanna be :P

And i wont go into too much detail if i dont want to. B)

What Moss sayd: you knew what he meant ;)

A picture of a painting showing a rabbit wearing a hat? :P