1 Emerging Ideology


has this just turned into a picture association game? :o


actually, I meant to write this sooner. I remember a long time ago, I was talking to my father about something to do with good versus evil.

I said something about no matter what happens good will always triumph right? then he was like “well in the real world the good guys don’t always win”.

Then earlier I was watching an episode of the 1st season of Knight Rider on netflix, and a little kid said something to his grandfather about how something wasn’t right, so then the grandfather said “In the real world, things don’t always turn out that way.”

It gets me thinking about how long this Ideology has been around changing faces.

That’s a PANCAKE? More like seven pancakes :blink:



No wonder Americans are so fat… goddamn, you could feed an orphanage with that pancake.

a teensy weensy one, with teensy weensy children.

I’m fat, and American, HAHAHAHHA!!!

this is a great video:


I suppose a good example of a qualia would be how real is your virtual life. For different people it will be different and you can only really call it as real as you imagine (or how seriously you take it) yourself.

Somebody who does no online banking, doesn’t frequent forums or chat rooms, no shopping online but only uses for the occasional bit of research and the like isn’t going to be very open to online assassination.

Somebody who spends more time and effort trolling various boards with multiple accounts rather than openly presenting themselves as they are may be less worried about it at a lower level, until somebody gains access to something important such as bank or Paypal details.

For many of us, where it is an extension of ourselves to at least some extent, it may be more disconcerting. Sure we should all use multiple passwords and change the regularly to protect ourselves but how many of us do? My email and anything related to money is unique (although I don’t change them often enough) but more general stuff such as forums and social networking I tend to use the same and personally don’t think I would be too fused as long as nobody got from there to my email, and on to other sensitive information from there.

Not 100% sure what the point I initially had in my head was and I seemed to of waffled somewhere off target so I’m going to stop it now…

Okay, maybe I’m anorexic :D

Well think about how small a rabbit’s head is. Those American style pancakes are only a fe winches across, rather than the big thin ones we have in Europe (or at least the UK.)

I remember having Canadian pancakes made by a friend’s mum when I was younger and they have oats in and have to be soaked for 24hours before cooking. Were gert lush with butter and maple syrup!

I presumed you’re just used to thinner pancakes, being in northern europe. I know one of the local specialties in my city is “finn pancakes” which are essentially crepes made by the finnish population here.

Interesting tidbit: Our tiny Canadian city, Thunder Bay, claims to have the largest finnish population outside Finland. No idea if it’s even remotely true, but the claim is made all the time around here. Needless to say, there are many people here who claim “you haven’t lived until you’ve jumped half naked out of a sauna into the snow in -25c weather and rolled around”

As a Canadian, I should point out that this is not a country-side phenomenon. Mostly, Canadians tend to eat smaller mix-made pancakes like the one on the bunny’s head. We do, however, love our maple syrup.

They were smaller and fat like the American style (Scotch) ones pictured, just not made with the basic flour and probably even thicker due to the oatmeal. UK and I believe various other parts of Northern Europe (especially Scandinavia?) generally refer to something more akin to a Crepe as just Pancakes.

Wikipedia tells me the ones I’m referring to as known as Vermont Pancakes.

at least its not a boston pancake

I kinda figured that, since everything is bigger in the states, that bunny’d be the size of a horse.

Big rabbits!!

The one piggy-backing is a normal rabbit.

Sorry for the Daily Mail links, was just the first to come up on a search.

Can you tell it’s been a slow and boring day at work?..

Well Jackrabits do tend to get pretty big down there. You’ve seen Donnie Darko, right?

Aww, just read this rabbit, supposedly the biggest in the world, died on the way to Italy to appear on TV. Is that really what owners should be doing with their pets though? :-/