not exactly finished, but about wanted to blast a quick arrangement of this, which was made much easier with the pattern matrix. seriously loving where the devs are taking renoise with this feature…
anyways, hope you like the tune
i would post an xrns but lots of the fx are vst’s…
its only 124 bpm, which is more traditionally a “house” tempo,
but this track does have more in common with techno probably…
this is the problem with genre labels i guess
IMHO fidget house, techno and a thousand other pseudo-genres are all just ‘house’, plain and simple. Personally I prefer my house without vocals, beyond that I make no distinction between the supposedly different classifications.
i reckon this is a fair shout-
although in some circles ‘house’ became a dirty word when it went all ‘handbag’!
just as techno became a dirty word when two unlimited were at number one!
its a shame that pop music continues to sanitise underground music for mass consumption…
no need for a rant tho
Sorry to pull this thread a little of topic, if you’re reading this and haven’t already then go and listen to jasper’s track!
I call it house since I remember when house was getting popular in the late 80’s, and the “Techno: The House Sound Of Detroit” album came out. At that point calling it techno was just a marketing ploy, just as pretty much every other house sub-genre has been created for marketing purposes since. I love most house, the sub-genres are meaningless to me.