2 Techno Dub House Tracks Made With Renoise

hope you’ll like it:

really…no one into this kind of stuff around here ? :(

I especially enjoy Belas tardes. :)

Incredibly lush delay happening on http://soundcloud.com/migueltorga/miguel-torga-nos-temos-espaco

Are you using an external delay unit or a real nice vst?

thank you for listening :)

the delays used are twindelay and retro delay, both freeware:


those are the best avaible delays in vst format in my opinion…payware or freeware

do you have renoise made music online ?

Belas Tardes = i like
A Mariana = boring


I like both of 'em, really nice sounds

thank you all for the feedback, fellow renoise users :D … is anyone else into producing this kind of music also ?
i would like to meet people making this kind of stuff with renoise…most people who do this kind of stuff are into ableton live…or cubase…and that is awfull to remix. renoise format all the way :)

Belas tardes was very nice I thought. And the others were pretty nice as well.

I’ve done a few slightly similar tunes, not as “housey” tho I’d say… got one up on the Soundcloud.

very cool stuff, magOwl. Congrats! you have a ton of work :) …my work is mainly sitting on my hard drive :( …about 40 tracks which need rendering …im lazy rendering stuff…always delaying it.

“was that you brushing against me”…is pretty danceable as well… i like the dubby \ glitchy vibe you got in most of your tunes…

“now you got me” is delicious…

glad to know you work.

anyone else wanting to share alike stuff ?


edit: “and so it died” rocks a ton…guess it’s my fave track :)

New track up : Piscina
