2 years without update ?

The only lesson I have ‘learnt’ is that deranged idiots live in this forum, which is way digestible than the lesson you learnt in the other conversation of ours on another thread from me. I also noticed that joule rhymes with fool. It shows how much experience you have working in healt(…)

I ridiculed you and I will ignore you from now on. Thanks a lot for the lesson. I take notes too, even from idiots especially if they are really good ones.

Seriously, @encryptedmind, all @joule try to say is be concise and stay in the thread. At a certain point I agree that All is all / One is all / All is one but for readability of information you have to structure yourself more and put things appart to be understood (we are on a forum with THREADS). If you want to speak of things out of the scope just put a link to another thread or forum.

This thread - like 50% of all posts nowadays - is again about narcissism. I posted in another thread what the indicators are, sadly dblue deleted it. This thread’s topic was “when renoised update” and not your ridiculous ways of showing how unable you are to stand critics.

A narcissist only cares for himself and his false prestige - which really is the most boring personality of all you can meet. And he is absolutely unable to stand critics, even if you say it in friendly way. He will then try to devalue or embarras you. He also is not able to simply say “I don’t know, please explain”.

Open another thread with the topic “me, my way of view, my thoughts, my cleverness” instead filling another thread again with unrelated words.

In the end it is all about the lack of proper forum administration. Maybe the devs tend to be a bit narcissistic, too, as soon as the topic is related to legitimate critics?

You could simply write in an official statement e.g. “sorry guys, renoise still is not our development project, and it looks like this for the next two years. But we will invest some week here and there to publish a bugfix releases at least, so if there comes an OS update, don’t be too afraid. Even without a major update in the next years, we think that renoise is a great software which also has a ridiculous low price…”

Answering nothing or writing something very unclear just makes no sense, in my opinion. Don’t take bad company communication as an example. But it seems you want these kind of threads.

The rational niveau here now is so low now, it is almost impossible to discuss something in rational way anymore.

Agreed about the lack of forum administration. This is the third time I’ve seen this forum degenerate because of a couple of users. Each time it hurts the forum as it makes better people leave. I’ve witnessed active and popular forums pretty much go down completely because 1-2 histrionic people polluting it in absurdum.

My thought about lowering my standards was to make a case to the admins that the liberal approach will become unsustainable as soon as more parties start to exploit that liberty. It might appear idiotic, but as this is happening time and again I think it’s justified.

Agreed about the lack of forum administration. This is the third time I’ve seen this forum degenerate because of a couple of users. Each time it hurts the forum as it makes better people leave. I’ve witnessed active and popular forums pretty much go down completely because 1-2 histrionic people polluting it in absurdum.
My thought about lowering my standards was to make a case to the admins that the liberal approach will become unsustainable as soon as more parties start to exploit that liberty. It might appear idiotic, but as this is happening time and again I think it’s justified.

Haha ‘lowering my standards’, you have THE lowest of standards, and since I did say I will ignore you from now on, my summary of your own instructions list is : ’ hypocrite ill bred ct’. Easy to read but more importantly easy to understand too. An open forum has no such rules which you are trying to enforce and becos you are not the best judge of language or behavior, my suggestion is either scroll down or shut the f* up, your scrolling finger pain is not my concern anymore.

I don’t need updates so I am off this thread, unless I am dragged to a brawl by ‘prople who practice lower standards’. Haha ROFL… it’s like this for me, it’s something called ‘hygiene’, when each and every puff of wind you exhale smells of stench right from the outset, I don’t have the incentive to stand and smell any of it, and you wanna know why? Becos you stink, like a pig! Brush and floss your mouth…like in real life first impressions matter.

A man without manners is not a man at all…

Oh and any on complaining about ‘going off topic’ in a topic of invisible updates should go check their IQ first before they even try to judge the musings absolutely related to updates… certified idiots for real. Also think about this, why would I add to the din? It’s like running into a Chinese tourist group, you guys are too concerned about itenary and stick with you map which is not helping you btw when I am talking about what travelling can be…total waste of my time, not formulating the ideas but talking with such folks. I have met so many smart folks over the years in the course of my work and travel, CEOs, filmmakers and musicians, travellers, authors and administrators who could really chip in with their brilliant experiences over a 3-4 hour long midnight chat or lounge room get-together in 24 countries so far. And comparatively what the heck is this ?? Telling someone else to ‘lower your standards please cos we ain’t that motivated or too bright either’…

Pullleeeesse! I know bullshit when I see it.

This shit is getting really old by now, guys.

Yet another thread completely derailed into total chaos.

Page after page of utterly incomprehensible nonsense.

What is the actual point of all this?

You guys constantly poke and taunt each other, trying to have the last word on some ridiculous argument that never seems to end.

What is the damn point of it all?!

It stinks having to moderate all this totally childish shit. What a complete waste of time. You lot should be ashamed of yourselves.

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