A Few Questions About Midi Mapping

I’m thinking about buying a new Midi Controller like MPD26 or MPD24, and I have some questions about its use with Midi mapping…

  • Can I use the knobs to select columns? I mean: move right knob to select the next column, move left to…

  • The same with lines…move up or move down in lines.

There are quite a lot of different navigation mappings available. The ones listed as “[Set]” are suitable for mapping to a knob or slider, while those listed as “[Trigger]” or “[Toggle]” are better suited to buttons. At the moment you can see that it would be possible to change tracks with a knob via “Current Track [Set]”, or you could also use buttons mapped to the “Select Previous Track [Trigger]” and “Select Next Track [Trigger]” functions.

Strangely though, there don’t appear to be any similar knob-friendly [Set] mappings to navigate between columns, so it looks like you’d have to use button mappings instead for this.

There don’t seem to be any mappings for this at the moment either. I guess it’s possible to use the transport controls and pattern sequencer mappings to move around the song, but I’m not sure if it would be easy to get line-by-line accuracy that way.

I do have to admit, I have not done a lot of experimenting with MIDI in Renoise yet. Some of the more experienced MIDI users here may have figured out some tricks to get things working differently.
